Hormonal rash in newborns

Approximately by the end of the first month of the baby's life, a young mother can notice that the face, neck and skin under the hair of her baby are strewn with small pimples. Having taken these rashes for manifestations of diathesis , my mother sits on a strict diet, eliminating from the diet all possible and impossible allergens. But even this measure does not affect the condition of the baby's skin, as well as taking antihistamines. As a result, the mother runs into a real panic, not knowing how to return the baby's skin to normal. To save your nerve cells and not to stuff your child with unnecessary medicines, your mother should know about the physiological phenomenon called "hormonal (neonatal) rash (flowering) in newborns."

What does a hormone rash look like in a newborn?

Hormonal rashes in newborns look like a scattering of small pimples, most often red with a white dot in the middle. It is located most often on the skin of the head and neck, in rare cases, grabbing the upper back. It is accompanied neither by fever, nor by changes in the baby's well-being, in contrast to infectious diseases. It occurs in the first or third month of the baby's life.

Hormonal rash in newborns: causes and treatment

The cause of the appearance of hormonal acne in newborns is hormonal changes in the body and an increase in the number of yeast fungi on the skin. Thus, the baby adapts to the extrauterine life, associated with the transition from the use of maternal hormones to their own. This phenomenon affects both boys and girls. Hormonal pimples do not cause discomfort or itchiness in the newborn, they can not catch on contact and they do not require any treatment. Being a purely physiological phenomenon, the hormone rash on the body of a newborn passes by itself over time (from one to three months). No matter how much Mom wanted to speed up the process of skin cleansing from rashes by using various ointments or folk remedies, it is not worth intervening. Using drying agents, you can break the balance on the skin of the baby and cause it to dry out and allergic reactions. For the care of the baby's skin during the flowering period, it is quite sufficient for ordinary hygienic procedures. Therefore, one tip is to be patient. In rare cases, when the healing is delayed, the doctor's prescription can use a healing ointment.