False negative pregnancy test

The pregnancy test is one of the most outstanding modern inventions that helps a woman learn about her condition before the first signs of pregnancy appear.

But in life there is nothing perfect. And a pregnancy test can also be wrong. The accuracy of most tests is about 97%. Most often, the pregnancy test is mistaken in the absence of pregnancy, even if it is available. This is the so-called false-negative result.

Why does the pregnancy test give a negative result?

The causes of a false negative test result for pregnancy can be very different.

  1. Too early testing. Sometimes a woman, without waiting for a delay, starts to conduct tests and is in vain upset, without waiting for the coveted second strip and tormented by the question of why the test does not determine pregnancy. This may be due to the fact that not all tests have a sufficient level of sensitivity to hCG to give a reliable response in the early stages of pregnancy. In this situation, you just need to wait a little, or use a more sensitive test.
  2. Another reason for receiving a false negative result is that women do not follow the rules established by the instruction when performing the test. So, for example, if you perform a pregnancy test not in the morning, but in the evening or in the day, the result will be negative. This is due to the fact that urine is diluted with the liquid and the concentration of hCG naturally decreases.
  3. The cause of a negative test during pregnancy may be an undeveloped pregnancy or as it is called a frozen pregnancy, as well as an ectopic pregnancy. Also, chorionic gonadotropin is produced in insufficient quantities when a miscarriage threat occurs. A negative result can also occur if the kidneys work incorrectly.
  4. Substandard test. A pregnancy test may show an erroneous result due to the fact that it is overdue or incorrectly stored. In order not to happen that a woman received a negative test result, and as a result, a pregnancy took place, it is necessary to conduct another test in a few days to increase the reliability. It is better for this to buy a test of another brand or type.

If, on the other hand, a repeated test results in a negative result, and the first signs of pregnancy are present, then a woman should definitely contact a gynecologist in order to establish the reasons for this condition.