Candles Nystatin in Pregnancy

Often during pregnancy because of the restructuring of the hormonal background, the candidiasis of the vagina (thrush) can worsen. But the use of protivogrubic drugs during pregnancy is not possible due to toxic or teratogenic effects on the fetus. Because often recommend local treatment of candidiasis with suppositories with antifungal drugs.

Candy Nystatin - instruction

From the thrush doctor often appoints nystatin suppositories, the instruction for their use warns that in the first trimester of pregnancy these candles are contraindicated. Candles containing nystatin are used in the third trimester, on the eve of delivery and do not continue with breastfeeding. Candles are also contraindicated for individual intolerance of the drug. Side effects of candles with nystatin is practically not observed.

Use of suppositories containing nystatin

Since the action of Nystatin lasts an average of 6 hours, candles, like tablets, which contain nystatin, are prescribed 4 times a day by an interval of no more than 6 hours. The dose of the drug is 250 or 500 thousand units in one suppository. Apply them during pregnancy until the symptoms of candidiasis disappear, but not more than 10-14 days, if necessary, repeat the cousin in a month.

Before the introduction of the sexual organs it is desirable to wash with warm clean water, the candles are injected deep into the vagina, often they are combined together with an ointment that contains nystatin to enhance the effect. Less often the drug is combined with other antifungal drugs, for example Clotrimazole. Sometimes, on the eve of birth, Nystatin is used only until the symptoms of thrush subsided, and the main treatment is continued after the birth of the child. But more often instead of Nystatin, candles with pimafucin are used, since they do not have contraindications for pregnant women.