Processed cheese at home

The recipe for cooking cheese came to us from Switzerland before the First World War. Now processed cheese is a very common product in Russia and many people love it very much and gladly eat it. It has not only a tender and mild taste, but it is also quite useful for a person. Compared with hard cheeses, melted cheeses contain less cholesterol and are better absorbed by the body. It is a very good source of calcium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the condition of hair, nails and skin. All processed cheeses contain a lot of casein, a protein that our body needs. Another plus of cheese is a long shelf life, about 3-4 months.

You can try to cook this wonderful product at home. Especially the recipe for home-made cheese is simple enough and even a beginner can cook.

A classic recipe for cooking cheese in the home



We rub the cottage cheese with soda and add milk. Transfer the resulting mixture into a saucepan and set it on a weak fire. Cook until all the cottage cheese melts. We add oil, salt, spices to taste and, stirring, bring the mass to a homogeneous state. While the cheese is still burning, carefully pour it on the molds and put in the refrigerator for several hours. Ready-made cheese can be served on the table as an independent dish, and can be used as a sauce for any dishes.

Recipe for homemade cheese with basil and garlic



Spread the cottage cheese in a saucepan, add soda and leave for 5-10 minutes. We put it on a water bath and warm it up, stirring constantly for about 7 minutes. Cottage cheese will gradually melt and turn into cream cheese. When all the pieces of cottage cheese completely dissolve, add salt, basil and garlic to taste. Stir well and put in the refrigerator for cooling. Melted cheese, cooked at home, ready!

Recipe for home-made cheese with cocoa



Cottage cheese we put in a saucepan and we add soda, cocoa. All mix and leave for 10 minutes. We put it in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. A few minutes before the end, add sugar or honey and pour into the form. We put it for a couple of hours in the refrigerator until it freezes. Chocolate fused cheese at home is ready! You can add less cocoa, then your cheese will get a more caramel flavor.

Recipe for home-made cheese with mushrooms



We put in a deep bowl of cottage cheese, egg, melted butter and soda. Beat thoroughly all the ingredients with a blender until smooth and soluble to taste. Then we put curd mass on a water bath and cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Molds for cheese oil and on the bottom of every three on a large grater mushrooms. We pour out another hot cheese and put it in the refrigerator until it is completely solidified.

Instead of mushrooms, you can use ham, nuts or bacon. Everything depends on your taste preferences.