Feng Shui apartment number

Owners of apartments, which are interested in this teaching, pay much attention to the arrangement of furniture in the house, its shape and color. For many, even the apartment number of Feng Shui or home is very important.

What does the apartment number for Feng Shui mean?

It is clear that when buying a property to change the number of the house and apartment, so that it would fit the feng shui, it will not work, but you can foresee the possible difficulties or dangers that may lurk.

The meaning of the apartment number for Feng Shui can be very ambiguous, because it can be interpreted in many ways. However, all the existing transcripts can be generally reduced to the following points:

And what if the apartment number is from several figures, what does it mean by Feng Shui? In this case, the value of the apartment number for Feng Shui will consist of a general description of the figures depicted on the door. So, an unambiguous number is the simplest option, as its residents simply need to respond in a timely manner to the signals that give them life. In such an apartment everything is reduced to everyday life.

To find out what an apartment number with several digits means by Feng Shui, you should consider all its components separately, and then sum them and analyze the result.