Pregnancy when taking birth control pills - symptoms

No method of protection from unwanted pregnancy does not give one hundred percent guarantee, therefore, every girl, using these or those contraceptive methods, should always be on the alert. Including, conception can occur during the period of taking birth control pills, although this happens rarely.

As a rule, fertilization with the use of hormonal oral contraceptives occurs when the scheme of their admission is violated or when other medications are used simultaneously. However, most girls, confident in the reliability of the chosen method, for a long time do not even suspect about the coming conception.

In this article, we will tell you how to determine pregnancy when taking birth control pills, and what symptoms usually accompany this condition.

Signs of pregnancy when taking birth control pills

As in all other cases, signs of impending fertilization when using the method of oral contraception are:

The main symptom is the delay of another menstruation. That is why, if the menstruation does not start on time, the girl should, first of all, think about whether pregnancy is possible when taking birth control pills, or rather, whether there were any violations of the scheme of their use.

Causes of pregnancy with contraceptive

The most common conception when taking contraceptives occurs in the following cases:

What should I do if I have a suspicion of pregnancy?

If there is any suspicion of pregnancy when taking birth control pills, you need to make a test, however, you should take into account that its results can be distorted because of the large dose of hormones entering the woman's body. In such a situation, the girl needs to see a doctor who will conduct a detailed examination and find out what the delay of the next menstruation is associated with.

If, as a result of the tests performed, it turns out that the pregnancy has occurred, there is no reason to interrupt her. Contemporary oral contraceptives Contemporary oral contraceptives contain a minimum number of hormones, so it does not adversely affect the future mother and baby. That is why gynecologists consider and observe such a pregnancy as the most common one.