Geoxon in pregnancy

One of the significant issues that wave both pregnant and nonpregnant women is the availability of reliable and permanent protection against various kinds of sexual infections. This problem becomes more urgent during the period of gestation, when there is a risk of harming not only yourself, but also your baby. In order to cure or prevent the occurrence of any type of sexual infection, women are often prescribed Gexicon in pregnancy.

Mechanism of action of the drug

Instruction of candles Hexicon in pregnancy says that its main component, namely chlorhexidine biogluconate, is very active in relation to various kinds of causative agents of sexual infections. This chemical component has an excellent antiseptic effect, which is disastrous for literally all varieties of pathogenic bacteria. Also, taking this medication provides complete disinfection.

Indications for the use of hexicon in tablets during pregnancy

The use of this drug quite successfully helps to combat such dangerous diseases as:

Instruction of Gexicon in pregnancy is supposed to restore the normal microflora of the birth canal and vagina and prepare them for childbirth. Immediately after the delivery, the medicine can be prescribed to exclude the development of some inflammatory infectious processes.

Is it possible to have a gexicon during pregnancy?

This, perhaps, is the most burning question, exciting minds of almost all future mothers. This drug has among obstetricians and gynecologists the glory of one of the most effective and safe for the treatment of a variety of sexual infections. Due to its unique capabilities, the hexicon restores the vaginal microflora, which is disturbed by the disease, improves it, which has a positive effect on the overall gestation process. That's why the drug can be taken not only by pregnant women, but also by nursing women. Candles, administered locally, are almost not absorbed into the blood, which excludes the entry of components into the fetus.

Side effects of Gecocone during pregnancy

In the process of using this drug, such responses of the organism as:

All of them are single and, as a rule, pass very quickly. However, this does not mean that you do not need to tell your gynecologist about side effects. It is he who can advise how to replace the hexicon in pregnancy, and whether it should be done at all.

Rules that must be observed when using suppositories Gecikon

There are a number of recommendations, the adherence to which will significantly improve the effectiveness of the drug and reduce the risk of side effects. These include:

  1. Do not consume iodine-containing medicines at the same time, especially without consulting a doctor.
  2. You can not use other candles in parallel, even if their range of actions is the same.
  3. During the course of treatment should be protected from taking water procedures with lots of soap and various cosmetics.
  4. When carrying out personal hygiene, it is necessary to minimize the involvement of the genitals.
  5. It is necessary to exclude sexual relations.