Sprayers for garden and garden

Those who have cottages, know how much effort and labor requires even a small area on the site. Perekopka, watering, weeding from weeds, planting seeds and seedlings is, unfortunately, not the entire list of garden works. In addition, sometimes hassle gardeners and gardeners add various diseases and pests that affect almost all parts of the flora: leaves, trunk, branches, shoots, even buds. And in the fight against diseases you can not do without such a device as a sprayer. After all, it is with his help spray an antiseptic or fungicide. So, we will tell you how to choose a sprayer for a garden and a garden.

Types of sprayers for garden

The main purpose of the sprayer is the treatment of plants for the purpose not only of their disinfestation and disinfection, but also the application of fertilizers, as well as whitewash trunks. The device consists, as a rule, from the tank, where the prepared solution is poured, which is pumped into the hose by means of a pump and is sprayed out through the tip.

This is a simple device unit, but there are many different types of sprayers for the garden and garden. Of the mechanical sprayers, the most naïve is the manual compressor. It has a small volume - 1-2 liters, is light and easy to use. The pluses of such a device can be attributed to the fact that it is easy to place in your hand and use it for your intended purpose. But using this device you can process only low plantings, for example, flowers on a balcony or lawn, shrubs and low trees. The household often uses a hydraulic knapsack or shoulder sprayer, which is worn on the back or one shoulder. The prepared solution is supplied from the spray nozzle by pumping air into the container. The device has a considerable volume (5-7 liters), and therefore it is convenient to handle tall trees due to the wide spraying radius.

A modern version of sprayers for the garden and garden - motorized appliances. The gasoline sprayer is equipped with an engine that runs on gasoline. In electric devices, electric motors are built in, powered by a powerful battery. These units are usually powerful and capacitive - their tank can reach 20 liters in volume. But for large tracts of motorized sprayers are most economically profitable.

How to choose a sprayer for a garden?

Thinking about such an important attribute for the processing of garden and garden as a sprayer, first of all, be guided by the area of ​​the plot, the type of plants grown, and also the purposes of application. Naturally, we should not discount such a factor as material possibilities. If you are fond of breeding flowers, shrubs, do not spend a lot of money on the purchase of motorized appliances. A hand sprayer is inexpensive and takes up little space on the farm.

Owners of the "six hundred", who thinks about what kind of sprayer for the garden is better, we recommend to pay attention to a capacious hydraulic unit with a mechanical type of work. It is quite convenient for them to cultivate beds with vegetables, trees of medium height. And most importantly, the cost of such a knapsack sprayer should not embarrass even the most diligent master.

But for large agricultural areas, where the growing of agricultural crops are engaged in large volumes, the best option will be the purchase of a gasoline or electric unit. Such sprayers are, of course, expensive. But the advantage in the form of automation of the processing of the territory, and thus the saving of forces and time, outweighs the disadvantage of high cost.

When buying a sprayer, do not forget to stock up on the means of protection. This is, first of all, gloves, a respirator, glasses and a hat.