Ironing board in the closet

Unfortunately, not many houses and apartments can boast of large rooms and the presence of such necessary for any small things pantry . It is this fact that stops housewives when buying various household appliances, for example, an ironing board: who wants to clutter an already small dwelling? However, if the family has an office worker who needs freshly-smoothed shirts or a fashionista every day, whose wardrobe is full of dresses, there is simply no way to do without such a convenient ironing device. And there is an outlet for a small apartment - an ironing board built into the cupboard.

How does the ironing board built into the cabinet look like?

This convenient device represents an ordinary ironing board, which is built into furniture, most often in a closet - a wardrobe or chest of drawers. Such a device is folded and simply pushed inside the furniture. Typically, the board is mounted with four screws on the hinged door. Most often use the built-in sliding ironing board, which is not only easy to lay out with one hand movement, but, if necessary, rotate by 180 degrees, with fixation for every 15 degrees of rotation. Agree, very convenient!

Most often, consumers who decide to purchase custom-made furniture are already thinking through the place for the ironing board. But it can be mounted to an already finished cabinet. True, the cabinet with a built-in ironing board should have a depth of at least 35 cm.

If we talk about the size of the built-in ironing board, then they can be absolutely identical with the dimensions of stationary devices. The main thing is that your cabinet allows you to mount the ironing board with the desired parameters.

There is an option and an ironing board built into the drawer, for example, in the kitchen. It is also convenient, but the truth is, the size of the ironing board is limited by the width of the kitchen set.

Built-in folding ironing board is installed behind the facade of your furniture vertically. When the furniture door is opened or opened, the board adopts a stable horizontal position thanks to the special fastening.

Sometimes the option of installing an ironing board against the wall is used. And the built-in ironing board can be hidden behind the front of the stylishly designed door of a thin mini-cabinet, which fits perfectly into the overall design of the room. There is also a built-in ironing board-transformer, which "hides" behind a mirror mounted on the wall and is pushed out thanks to a special mechanism.

With all its advantages, an ironing board, a built-in wardrobe, has two drawbacks: