When does the abdomen drop before giving birth?

Lowering the abdomen is one of the signs of the approach of childbirth. In different women, the period of time when the abdomen is lowered before delivery may be radically different. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body and some other factors.

The timing of lowering the abdomen before childbirth

To more objectively answer the question, when the abdomen is lowered before delivery, the following data should be known:

However, a woman who is about to become a mom for the first time should not be worried if her stomach does not drop after 38 weeks. It does not say at all about any deviation. In many primiparous women, the abdomen falls 5-7 days before delivery. It is possible and the option that the inexperience of a woman may simply not notice this, because what the belly looks like before giving birth, not everyone knows.

Sensations after lowering the abdomen

When there is very little time left before delivery, the child tries to occupy an appropriate position in the uterine cavity. Depending on the presentation in which the fetus is located - the head or legs downwards, it descends to the lower part of the small pelvis and remains in this position until the birth. Thus, the uterus no longer squeezes the diaphragm and the abdominal cavity, which brings some relief to the pregnant woman. We can distinguish the following pleasant sensations that come when the stomach is lowered before birth:

Along with pleasant changes, future moms need to be prepared for not very comfortable sensations that accompany the lowering of the abdomen before childbirth:

Many women are worried about a hard stomach, but this is normal before giving birth. Also, the usual situation, indicating the correct course of the process, if before the delivery pulls the lower abdomen. The body is preparing for the birth of a child, and all the characteristic manifestations are the norm.

A sure sign of lowering the abdomen is to smooth the navel - it stops sticking out above the surface, but becomes smooth and invisible. Doctors say that before giving birth the stomach decreases slightly in size, but usually only experienced experienced mothers who already have children notice this.

It should be noted that with obvious signs of lowering the abdomen, do not immediately go to the hospital. Most likely, there is still time to do all the necessary preparations and calmly wait for the more obvious precursors of the approaching genera.