When does the early toxicosis of pregnant women begin?

Early toxicosis, as a rule, begins in the pregnant woman exactly when she first learns about her new position. However, it happens that it is the symptoms of toxicosis that give grounds to assume about the presence of pregnancy. And some of the lucky ones do not even know these tortures at all. After all, only 6 out of 10 women experience all the unpleasant manifestations of this condition, characteristic of the first three months of pregnancy.

When does toxicosis begin in early pregnancy and what is its duration?

In most cases, the delay in menstruation and the statement of the fact of an interesting situation occur at the time when the early toxicosis of pregnant women begins. And this is about 5-7 weeks after conception. However, the "most lucky" women begin to feel unpleasant symptoms before the delay in menstruation (from about 3-4 weeks). This is just the case when the earliest toxicosis begins. At this time, the body of a future mother undergoes hormonal restructuring. Now all the processes in it are subject to progesterone - the hormone responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. It is important for future mothers to understand that during the first trimester, the organs and systems of their babies will be formed. Therefore, it is the most important, because starting from the 4th month, the fruit will only grow and develop. Of course, when early toxicosis begins, the joy of a woman in a new position is marred by malaise, oppression, nausea and vomiting. However, this condition is temporary, very soon everything will change for the better.

When will the toxicosis pass?

Those women who in the early period experienced constant nausea and other unpleasant symptoms naturally wonder when the early toxicosis of pregnant women ends. As a rule, its negative manifestations gradually begin to fade from the 12th week, and to 15 even completely cease. In case they are delayed for a longer period, you should immediately consult a doctor.