Pumpkin Oil - Healthy Properties

The high-speed life of modern society has long become a kind of "Chinese wall" separating the inhabitants of dynamically growing cities from nature. Everyday stress, poor ecology, malnutrition and sedentary lifestyle have been the foundation of our existence for several decades. But how to fix this situation?

There is a way out, because nature took care of everything for a long time and concluded all the best in vegetable oils. In this material, we will reveal to you all the useful properties of pumpkin oil and familiarize you with the secrets of its use.

Pumpkin oil in folk medicine

Pumpkin is known to mankind for several millennia, its medicinal properties were appreciated in ancient Greece, India, and the Middle East. However, in those days, people were only familiar with the health properties of pulp, but the secret of pumpkin seeds was discovered only in the 5th-6th century in Austria. Then the technology of manual extraction was developed with obtaining such a valuable oil of pumpkin seeds. Due to its high price, it was even called "black gold". An interesting fact is that even today pumpkin oil is one of the most expensive, yielding in the price category only to cedar .

The healing properties of pumpkin oil

The benefits of pumpkin oil are explained by its rich composition. It contains:

  1. Polyunsaturated fats of Omega-3 and Omega-6 . They are indispensable for the full operation of the cardiovascular system. Their main effect is lowering the level of "bad cholesterol" , thus preventing the development of obesity and atherosclerosis. For these purposes experts of traditional medicine advise to take pumpkin oil on a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Phospholipids and phytosterols . This is a kind of "design elements", of which our cells are composed. They are introduced into the cell membranes, restoring them from within. This property of pumpkin oil is useful in diseases of the liver and bile ducts. Thus, with hepatitis and cholecystitis as an additional therapy, you can take pumpkin seed oil 2 spoons 3-4 times a day 45 minutes before meals.
  3. Vitamins A and E (tocopherol), flavanoids . They are indispensable "helpers" in the fight against oxidative stress, which destroys our cells. They are also called vitamins of youth and beauty. For example, to make hair soft and silky, you can use pumpkin oil several times a week as a hair mask. If you have skin problems (dryness, lethargy, acne), then slightly warmed up oil should be applied with light massaging movements and left for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Water-soluble vitamins of group B, vitamin C. They improve metabolism, memory, and thought processes. They participate in the synthesis of collagen, which plays an important role in the structure of our skin, ligaments and blood vessels.
  5. Zinc and magnesium are other factors that explain the healing properties of pumpkin oil. So, zinc participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It activates the immune processes, provides an adequate function of the genital organs and the nervous system. Magnesium, in turn, stabilizes the bone tissue, making it more hardy. It struggles with irritability, removes nervousness, participates in the synthesis of DNA and recovery processes.
  6. Selenium, calcium and iron , necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and, accordingly, for saturation of tissues with oxygen.

As you can see, pumpkin oil has a very wide spectrum of action. It is effective even in diseases of the cardiovascular system and in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and with dermatitis , and in violation of the activity of the nervous system. It can be used both inside and locally as masks, lotions and bandages. No matter how you use it, the main thing is to remember the proper storage of the oil: in a sealed glass bottle in a cool, dark place and no more than six months. If you follow this advice, pumpkin oil will bring you only good and no harm.