Bloating during pregnancy in the early stages

Future moms for all nine months can face different unpleasant sensations, which are absolutely normal for this period. One sign of pregnancy in early terms can be considered bloating. Almost every future mother encounters this. Because it is interesting to understand why women in this wonderful life period have to face such discomfort.

Causes of bloating during pregnancy in the early stages

After conception, the hormonal background in the girl's body begins to change. The level of progesterone is increasing, and under its influence the uterus relaxes. This is necessary to prevent miscarriage. But the action of progesterone gets the muscles and other organs, which includes the intestine. All this causes constipation, a sensation of bloating, flatulence.

When pregnancy changes in the body, and the intestine no longer works under the usual conditions. It can be influenced by various irritating factors. Beginning toxicosis , as well as heartburn can cause a violation in his work. Changes in the uterus, its growth also provokes a feeling of bloating in the early stages of pregnancy.

A certain role in the emergence of this state is played by stressful situations, which the woman encounters regularly.

The cause of discomfort may be irregularities in the pancreas. They are related to the lack of enzymes. This can lead to malnutrition, as well as some diseases, such as pancreatitis, cholestasis. It is pregnancy that is one of the factors that contribute to the development of enzyme deficiency.

How to help with bloating in pregnant women in the early stages?

In many cases, in the first weeks of waiting for the crumbs to cope, proper nutrition will help. Future mums should follow such recommendations:

During the day, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Best if it's water without gas. You need to drink it from a cup or glass. You can also eat compote, kefir. It is better not to use coffee. A girl can afford not strong tea. It is very useful for the future mother to avoid stressful and conflict situations, to ensure a proper rest.

Also moderate physical activity will benefit. There are gymnastic exercises that have a beneficial effect on digestion. For classes, you must choose clothes that are free-cut, so that it does not squeeze anything. Walking and swimming are also useful.

If the future mother has a poor gastrointestinal function for several days and there is no improvement in her condition, then you need to go to the clinic. The doctor will be able to understand exactly why there was a bloating in the early period of pregnancy, will definitely give recommendations. The doctor may advise you to take medicines that can help you get rid of discomfort. Depending on the characteristics of the condition, it can be such drugs as Espumizan, Mezim, Smecta, Festal. However, one should not make a decision on taking medications independently, because self-medication can result in negative consequences. The choice of medication must be agreed with a specialist.