Brown discharge at 40 weeks gestation

As is known, in the second half of pregnancy, discharge from the vagina acquires a more liquid consistency. This phenomenon is associated with the fact that the hormones estrogen predominate in the blood of a woman. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the permeability of the walls of the blood vessels. As a result, the pregnant woman observes the appearance of so-called leucorrhoea, which are not colorless and transparent.

Throughout the gestation period, a woman should closely monitor the volume, nature and color of the secretions. Typically, discoloration is a sign of a violation. In more detail, consider the phenomenon of brown discharge, observed during pregnancy at a later date, namely at the end of the period of gestation, we will name the possible causes of their appearance.

What is the reason for this symptomatology?

Quite often a woman tries to determine the cause, which led to the violation. That's why when there are brown discharge on late pregnancy, the first thing the answer is looking for on the forums on the Internet. It would be desirable to notice, that each organism is individual, gestation can proceed with the features, therefore, sometimes, even similar symptomatology can be observed at various infringements. Sometimes, depending on the situation, the exact period of pregnancy, this or that manifestation can be regarded by doctors as a variant of the norm. That's why when there are secretions immediately it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

Brown discharge in pregnant women in late terms, namely at 40 weeks of gestation, can be noted for a number of reasons.

Separately it is necessary to say that at the end of pregnancy the appearance of brown discharge, 2 weeks before delivery, i.e. at 39-40 weeks in the absence of concomitant symptoms, may indicate the departure of the mucous plug.

Also, doctors are trying to exclude such a phenomenon as partial detachment of the placenta or premature detachment. Even with a small detachment of the child's place from the uterine wall, the integrity of the blood vessels is broken at the point of detachment, which leads to the appearance of blood. Under the influence of temperature it can thicken and acquire a brown shade. To exclude such a violation, a woman is prescribed ultrasound. In this case, the pregnant woman is also concerned about the pain in the lower abdomen of the pulling character.

The brown color of the discharge can also be due to the presence of cervical erosion. With the increase of the uterine tone, a small amount of blood may appear, which eventually becomes brown. The woman at the same time notes the appearance of excretions with small impregnations of dark red or brown.

A similar picture can be observed in infectious diseases of the reproductive system. To determine the exact pathogen, a smear from the vagina is prescribed .