What is possible from allergies in pregnancy?

In a woman in an "interesting" position, an allergic reaction can be caused even by a substance that was previously completely tolerated. Now the object of individual intolerance are various foods, detergents and washing powders, clothes and underwear made of synthetic fabrics, pollen of flowering plants and even ordinary dust.

The allergy delivers to the pregnant woman a lot of trouble and is shown by such unpleasant signs, as an itch and a boring at the certain sites or on all body, a tear of eyes and so on. I want to get rid of these and other symptoms as soon as possible, however, not all antihistamines available in pharmacies are suitable for expectant mothers.

In this article we will tell you that you can drink from an allergy during pregnancy, so as not to harm the crumbs and not aggravate the situation even more.

What can I take from an allergy in pregnancy?

To stop an attack of an allergic reaction at the very beginning, every expectant mother should know that you can drink from an allergy during pregnancy. Although most drugs with antihistamines during the waiting period of a new life are contraindicated, yet some of them can be used once, even without consulting a doctor, in particular:

In addition, after preliminary consultation with a doctor, the use of such drugs as Fenistil, Zirtek, Erius, Claritin and Fexadine is possible.

All of the above medicines are suitable only to reduce the symptoms of unpleasant allergy symptoms once. If this problem is systematic, complex treatment is necessary under the supervision of a doctor.

Than to treat an allergy during pregnancy?

The first and most correct thing to do in case of an allergy in pregnancy is to closely monitor the external and internal state of your body and note any of its reactions to irritants. Only in this way it is possible to identify the allergen and try to reduce all contacts with it to a minimum.

If such observations do not help to establish what exactly is causing allergic reactions, you should contact a specialized laboratory for appropriate tests.

When identifying an allergen, you must try to completely abandon its use in everyday life. So, if the reason for the individual reaction of the organism lies in the use of a certain food product, the use of cosmetic products or household chemicals, it will not be difficult.

If the pollen of plants is an allergen, sunlight, dust and other factors that can not be completely removed from your life, it is necessary to consult an allergist and strictly follow all his recommendations.