Malnutrition during pregnancy - 32 weeks

A child in the womb of the mother is always in amniotic fluid, which is known in the people as "water". It is unique in its composition and plays an extremely important role both for the normal course of pregnancy and for the development of the baby: in particular, it protects him from injuries, helps to actively move, take the right position in the uterus for childbirth, etc.

With increasing time, the amount of water is also steadily increasing; to the third trimester, it is already 800-1500 g. This fluid has the property to be renewed for three days, constantly produced by the walls of the amniotic bladder and the placenta itself.

But it often happens that the last scheduled ultrasound in a future mother is diagnosed with hypohydrate - an insufficient amount of this liquid. Let's find out what can be caused by such a situation and to what consequences it can lead.

Causes of hypochlorism in pregnancy

Doctors say that a low level of amniotic fluid can be caused by one of the following reasons:

In addition, in the case of hypochondriasis during pregnancy at week 32 and later, other factors may directly influence: it is the leakage of amniotic fluid, and anomalies in the development of membranes, and at a later date - also, the so-called true perenashivanie.

What is dangerous for hypochlorism in pregnancy?

Diagnosing hypochondriasis in pregnant women at week 32, doctors on ultrasound usually note how much it is expressed. For this, the index of the amniotic fluid is used (for its designation is used the abbreviation IAD). If this figure is less than 2 cm, it is a question of expressed malic acid. From 2 to 5 cm - this is a moderate oedematous - a diagnosis that occurs more often. The normal amount of water has an index of 5 to 8.

From lack of water, the child himself and his mother suffer. The walls of the amniotic bladder tighten the baby more closely, and if at week 32 this is not so critical, then within a month they can be so tightly in contact with the skin of the crumbs that sometimes even fuse with it. It is fraught with low water and intrauterine developmental disorders, such as curvature of the spine, clubfoot.

Other dangers include weak labor activity and poor neck opening, since one of the functions of water is natural stimulation of labor. A woman will experience painful, but ineffective contractions.

Expressed polyhydramnios can lead to the formation of Simonart ligaments - the fusion of the skin and membranes, which in turn affects the blood circulation in the umbilical cord and can provoke hypoxia, and even fetal death. Therefore, the task of doctors is to prevent such a state and to intervene in time in this dangerous process.

How to treat hypochlorism in pregnancy?

The treatment of hypochondria during pregnancy at week 32 will differ, depending on its causes. So, if a woman has a leaking amniotic fluid, she should definitely give a swab to the water, and the result of this test will show what further actions should be taken.

With intrauterine infection, vitamin complexes are used together with antiviral therapy. Permanent monitoring of the IAP and monitoring of the woman and fetus are mandatory.

Treatment is usually performed in the hospital department of the pathology of pregnant women.