First aid kit

The presence of the necessary medications in the home medicine cabinet is at hand - a pledge that the help and treatment will be provided on time. With children, something happens all the time: the teeth break through, the temperature rises, there are strokes, cuts and bruises. And it can happen exactly at the moment when all pharmacies are closed. So what's included in the children's first aid kit?

First aid kit: composition

At home there should always be simple but effective means: iodine, zelenka, manganese, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, bandage, thermometer and cotton wool.

  1. Means for eating disorders. There should be a smect or neosmectin in the medicine cabinet - an antidiarrhoeal drug. In addition, you should stock up absorbent - ordinary activated carbon, lactofiltrum, enterosgel. To avoid dehydration with diarrhea or vomiting will help regidron.
  2. Antiviral drugs. They will help with the first signs of a viral infection and increase the defenses of the body: interferon, viferon, arbidol, anaferon. Oksolinovoy ointment lubricate the surface of the child's nose before a walk.
  3. Antipyretics. They should be several: on the basis of paracetamol (panadol) and ibuprofen (nurofen), both in the form of rectal suppositories, and in the form of syrup.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs. With throat diseases, antiseptics and aerosols (iodine, miramistin, chlorophyllipt, tantum verde, etc.) will be needed. In case of a cold, vasoconstrictive drugs (nasivin, otrivin, nasol baby) and saline solutions for nose washing (saline, dolphin, aquamaris) are necessary.
  5. When coughing, the child will be helped by a bronchomunal or mucaltin.
  6. To alleviate pain in the child with teething teeth will need gels (kamistad, dentinoks) and candles viburkol.
  7. The pediatric homeopathic first aid kit includes medications used for bruises and scratches (arnica), temperature (belladonna), whims and pains with teething (chamomilla), cough, sore throat (hepar sulfurum), etc.

First-aid kit of mother and child

This is the name of the list of medicines needed to care for the baby during the first months of his life. In addition to the above listed products, this includes: Vaseline oil for lubricating the child's folds, powder, diaper cream, a water thermometer, a syringe to clean the nasal sinuses. The first-aid kit for the newborn includes a gas pipe and a preparation from intestinal colic (espumizan, baby, planktex).

First-aid kit on the road with a child

On the road or in the rest of the world, the following medicines should be bound:

Compulsory medications for the child on vacation should be drugs against mosquito bites and sunburn.