Candida colpitis

Candida colpitis is a fungal inflammation of the cervix (vaginal part), which is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. But fungi are a conditionally pathogenic flora, they should not cause disease, being on the skin or mucous of a healthy woman. And, as a rule, with the normal microflora of the vagina with a sufficient number of lactobacilli, absorbing fungi, the symptoms do not appear.

Candida colpitis - causes

A number of accompanying factors can disrupt the normal balance of the microflora of the vagina and cause the development of the disease. Such factors include:

Candida colpitis - symptoms

Symptoms of candida colpitis depend on the course of the disease. There are acute and chronic (more than 2 months) candida colpitis. In turn, chronic colpitis is divided into recurrent and persistent candidiasis colpitis. With relapsing symptoms appear from time to time with exacerbations, with persistent - persist constantly, somewhat weakening after treatment.

The main symptoms of gynecological colpitis are nonspecific manifestations of the inflammatory process: pain or itching in the vagina, which are intensified during sexual intercourse, discharge from the genital tract, dryness and redness of the mucous membranes. Features of fungal inflammation will be intense itching and curdled discharge.

Diagnosis of Candida colpitis

For the diagnosis of fungal inflammation, microscopic examination of the vaginal smear is used, sowing of the material from the vagina on the nutrient medium followed by examination of the culture, determination of the antibody titer to fungi and colposcopy . The cytogram of candida colpitis contains the fungal mycelium, with the pH of the vagina most often falling below 4.5.

Candida colpitis - treatment

Although most women have already heard in advertising how one can cure candidal colpitis with an antifungal tablet, in fact, the treatment is long-lasting and includes not only the general use of drugs, but also local treatment. Candida colpitis occurs in women, but in men for the treatment of carriers concomitantly prescribe antifungal drugs to achieve therapeutic effect in both sexual partners.

How to treat candidal colpitis, the doctor will decide, but at the moment for the treatment of candidiasis, Nystatin or Levorin is used less often, and more often they prefer modern preparations containing natamycin, fluconazole, introconazole, ketoconazole, butoconazole, terbinafine. Candles or vaginal tablets that contain clotrimazole, econazole, isoconazole, miconazole, naphthymine, oxyconazole or bifonazole supplement local colpitis treatment. Chronic and acute candidiasis colpitis is not treated in one day - the course of treatment lasts an average of 10-12 days.

Candida colpitis in pregnancy - treatment

Candida colpitis often appears or worsens during pregnancy. The peculiarities of treating it in pregnant women are that they use mainly local methods of treatment, trying not to resort to toxic antifungal drugs. Do not use introconazole because of the possibility of causing malformations in the fetus, rarely use fluconazole, up to 12 weeks do not use nystatin, and up to 20 weeks - preparations of butoconazole or isoconazole. Most often use practically non-toxic natamycin ( Pimafucin ) in the form of suppositories, ointments and vaginal tablets.