Pain in the knees - causes

Joints participate in all movements that are committed by people. Walking is a life, therefore, if a person for various reasons experiences pain in the legs, especially in the knee joints, this makes a correction throughout his life. This problem can affect anyone, so you should know the possible prerequisites and symptoms of its occurrence, in order to prevent and timely cure.

If you have pain in your knees, the reasons for this can be very diverse. Therefore, do not make assumptions and treat at random, but you should consult a doctor and conduct a checkup for possible pathology or other problems in the patella. Depending on whether there was a trauma, it could be a therapist, a surgeon or a traumatologist. Sometimes it is still necessary to consult doctors of the following specialties: orthopedist, osteopath, rheumatologist or neurologist.

The main causes of pain in knee joints

Depending on the nature of the occurrence, two groups are distinguished:

Pathological causes

Among them are:

These causes are accompanied by aching pain in the knee, a crunch (with arthrosis), bruising, an increase in temperature (with arthritis), stiffness of the knees (with osteoarthritis) and skin discoloration in these areas, often blanching, but sometimes redness.

Doctors also note the appearance of pain syndrome in case of problems with the vessels, but they are not accompanied by a decrease in the mobility of the joint, and with age they often pass.

Traumatic causes

The provoking factors:

Pain in the knee that has arisen because of a trauma is accompanied by acute and severe pain with primary exposure from the outside, and in the future with any movements, the formation of bruises and swelling, due to damage to the blood vessels. The consequence of almost any injury is a hemorrhage into the joint cavity (hemarthrosis).

It should be canceled that, as a result of the pathological nature of the causes of the onset of pain, it arises both in the right and left lap, while at the same time with traumatic ones - only in the one that was affected by external influences.

It should be noted that the sooner medical aid is provided for treating the causes of pain in knee joints, the more effectively this process will be carried out and the consequences can be minimized.