The initial stage of hemorrhoids

Disease of the rectum, in which the expansion of internal veins and the accumulation of blood in them, is called hemorrhoids. Pathology can eventually move into a chronic form, so it is advisable and much easier to treat it early on in development.

The initial stage of hemorrhoids is well amenable to conservative therapy without surgical intervention, and its clinical manifestations do not cause significant discomfort.

Symptoms of the initial stage of hemorrhoids

In the early phase, hemorrhoidal nodes are small in size and are located only inside the rectum, therefore it is impossible to see them visually. At the same time, there are no obvious signs of the disease, it can be revealed only by indirect specific symptoms:

Very rarely internal nodes bleed, which manifests as small red dots on toilet paper after defecation.

How to treat hemorrhoids in the initial stage?

Therapy of the described pathology at the first stage of development is limited to local preparations - rectal suppositories and ointments:

In addition, the treatment of hemorrhoids in the initial stage involves changing the habits in the diet and adherence to a diet that allows you to normalize the stool, soften the stool masses. Foods rich in fiber, natural fructose, vitamins, minerals and vegetable oils are recommended. It is necessary to limit the consumption of any food that can cause constipation or diarrhea, fatty meat, canned food and spices.

Treatment of the initial stage of hemorrhoids is carried out at home and does not require surgical interventions. To speed recovery can be with the help of folk remedies, for example, daily sessile baths with warm broths of chamomile, sage or string.