Skin mycosis

Mycoses are common dermatological skin diseases caused by fungal infections. With different forms of lesions at least once in my life, but I had to face everyone. In itself, mycosis of the skin is not dangerous, but this disease causes a lot of discomfort. First, the skin affected by the fungus looks repulsive, and secondly, if the treatment is not started on time, the disease will spread rapidly throughout the body.

Types and causes of skin mycosis

Fungus lives on the skin and mucous membranes of any person. While harmful microorganisms do not have favorable conditions for reproduction, they can not cause harm to health. But as soon as he has a chance to break through the immune system, the fungus will begin to act. Therefore, people with strong immunity have no idea about how mycosis looks and what to do with it.

The main causes of mycosis of the skin of the hands, face and body are the following:

Since infection with the fungus occurs after contact with the skin, another important cause of mycosis is contact with an infected person.

There are several main groups of skin mycoses, head of hands and body:

  1. The most famous is keratomycosis. The most common representative of this group is multicolored lichen.
  2. Candidiasis is a fairly large group of diseases caused by yeast fungi. Representatives of this category can affect the entire body, except the scalp.
  3. Diseases belonging to the category of dermatomycosis, mainly affect the skin in natural folds.
  4. There are also mycoses that affect the deep layers of the epidermis. The diseases of these groups are very serious, but, fortunately, they are extremely rare.

Symptoms of skin mycosis

Symptoms of different groups of mycoses differ from each other insignificantly. Most often, specialists have to face the following signs of fungal diseases:

Red peeling spots on the skin can be single, but more often appear in groups and subsequently unite. From a healthy skin the fungal lesion is separated by a small platen.

How to treat mycosis of the skin of the hands, head, body, face?

Before the treatment begins, the type of fungus that caused the infection is determined. In addition, the general health of the person, the depth of the lesion and the extent of the spread of mycosis are revealed.

The best treatment with fungal diseases is treated by local treatment with special gels, creams and ointments. The most popular antifungal agents are:

If local agents are powerless, and the fungus does not recede, systematic treatment methods can be used to treat skin mycosis. Good antifungal Means for ingestion - Fluconazole.

In fact, preventing the development of mycosis is much easier than curing it:

  1. Observe all standards of hygiene. Use only your bathroom accessories, if possible, do not wear other people's clothes.
  2. Choose the shoes you need as convenient as possible. The legs in it should not sweat.
  3. Skin contact with household chemicals should be minimized. It is better to do housework with gloves.
  4. In the diet does not hurt to add vitamins and healthy foods.