
Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) is a disease affecting the lung tissue. There are 3 types of the disease - focal, chronic and croupous pneumonia. Symptoms of pneumonia in adults vary depending on the species. The duration and course of the disease is also different. The first signs of pneumonia are often similar to signs of acute respiratory viral infection. This negatively affects the timely diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults and children

Symptom of pneumonia in children is not always a fever. If the baby has become listless and restless, eats and sleeps badly, coughs heavily, it is necessary to call a doctor.

Focal pneumonia is characterized by lethargy, lack of appetite, the temperature rises to 38 ° C, headache, and slight chills.

With croupous pneumonia, symptoms are suddenness of the disease, a strong chill begins, the temperature rises to 40 ° C, dry prolonged coughing, shortness of breath, quicker breathing, sore in one lung, pain in the scapula and in the entire thorax with bilateral inflammation. Croupous pneumonia is considered the most dangerous for life.

Chronic inflammation can last for years, periodically exacerbating. It occurs after acute inflammation of the lungs, if the disease was not completely cured. It threatens with deformation of the lung tissue and other dangerous for the body disorders. This inflammation of the lungs can occur without a temperature, which rises only when exacerbations occur.

The cause of pneumonia for a long time was considered hypothermia, but, as it turned out, things are different. In addition to respiratory function, the lungs are responsible for filtering the blood. Therefore, signs of pneumonia can be detected not only after colds and hypothermia. At the moment, several factors that lead to pneumonia have been identified - the entry of viruses and bacteria into the lungs, changes in the composition of mucus produced by bronchial tubes, trauma and surgery. Often, pneumonia is a complication of ARVI. Because of this, it is difficult to notice the symptoms of pneumonia in children - most often it develops against the background of a flu or other acute disease. Therefore weakened toddlers need to be kept under the control of a doctor until complete recovery. Complications from pneumonia depend on the timeliness and correctness of the treatment.

Treatment of pneumonia

How to treat pneumonia is determined by the doctor, depending on the age and condition of the patient, the severity of the disease. For this, the tests that determine the causative agent of the disease are submitted. Without such tests, antibiotics can not be prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia. If the antibiotic is not properly prescribed, then the course of the disease may worsen. Treatment of croupous pneumonia is carried out under in-patient conditions, under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment of focal inflammation of the lungs can be carried out at home. Drugs in this case should be prescribed only by a specialist, self-medication with pneumonia should be avoided. Chronic forms of the disease are treated long and difficult, depending on the neglect of the disease.

General recommendations for the treatment of pneumonia are as follows:

Inflammation of the lungs in children and the elderly is particularly difficult, requiring serious treatment. Pneumonia is also dangerous for impaired people and can lead to complications. If you have symptoms of pneumonia, start treatment immediately, even if pneumonia is sluggish. During treatment and immediately after recovery, follow the diet - you need to strengthen the immune system with vitamins and minerals, but do not eat if there is no appetite.

For the prevention of viral and colds, do special respiratory gymnastics, which will help normalize the lungs, provide them with good ventilation. Also, monitor the general condition of the body - all organs and systems are interconnected, and small problems can significantly affect your health.