Herpes zoster - symptoms and treatment in adults

The virus, which is the causative agent of chicken pox, provokes another, no less unpleasant disease, shingles or herpes. Pathology is also accompanied by skin rashes, but not as abundant as with chicken pox. In this case, it is worse tolerated and causes more complications namely herpes zoster - the symptoms and treatment in adults depend, first of all, on the state of the immune system and the body as a whole, the presence of chronic diseases and the frequency of their relapses.

Symptoms and basics of treatment of herpes zoster

The initial period of the described disease is accompanied by weakly expressed nonspecific signs:

Also in the first 1-3 days, herpes zoster provokes pain, itching, burning along the nerve trunks, where later rashes will appear.

After 24-72 hours, clinical manifestations increase and become more pronounced:

After 1-2 days, the rashes take on the form of bubbles filled with a colorless liquid. Over time, they formed crusts, which fall off after 3-4 weeks.

As a rule, the temperature is normalized with the transition of the rash into a bubble form. Together with the disappearance of heat, symptoms of intoxication of the body also disappear.

Treatment of herpes zoster includes symptomatic and basic therapy. The first is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition, the second type is aimed at fighting the causative agent of pathology.

Is rapid herpes zoster treatment possible?

The minimum period for complete disposal of signs of lumbar deprivation is 15 days. But, as a rule, therapy lasts about 1 month.

It is worth noting that, even after healing from herpes zoster, pain syndrome along the nerves often remains for a very long time, up to several years. This complication is called postherpetic neuralgia.

Treating the symptoms of herpes zoster

To alleviate the condition help such medications:

1. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agents with analgesic action:

2. Antihistamines (from itching):

3. Sedative and hypnotics, antidepressants :

4. Correctors of intravascular coagulation and microvascular disorders:

5. Anticonvulsants:

6. Remedies for the prevention of edema of nerves:

Local treatment of rashes with such medicines is performed:

The addition of bacterial infection and the intensification of inflammatory processes require the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example:

In case of severe intoxication, intravenous infusions of solutions are performed:

Basic treatment of herpes zoster in adults

The main therapy is aimed at fighting the causative agent of the disease. To do this, antiviral drugs are used:

It is worth noting that antiviral treatment is effective only in the first 3 days since the onset of pathology.