Eggplants with tomatoes and cheese in the oven - the most delicious ideas of roasting vegetables

Eggplants with tomatoes and cheese in the oven - a delicious and healthy dish. Given the properties of the vegetable to absorb oil when frying in large quantities, the only way to protect yourself from carcinogens and reduce caloric content is baking. This trio is chosen well: all components are juicy and in the process of cooking they exchange tastes with each other.

How to cook eggplant in the oven?

Eggplant dishes in the oven are the most popular way of cooking a vegetable. Simplicity and compatibility with many components, allows tasty and useful diversify the diet.

  1. It should be remembered that before cooking you need to rid the eggplant from bitterness, adding and leaving for 20 minutes. After, you can stuff it or cut it into slices and bake it.
  2. Eggplants with tomatoes in the oven will turn into a substantial vegetable dish, if pre-cooked potatoes, cut into slices and put in a roasting dish. From above put eggplant rings and cover with circles of tomatoes. All the layers must be smeared with mayonnaise, sprinkled with cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
  3. Stuffed eggplants are especially good with stuffing of pork minced meat and tomatoes. To do this, put out the minced meat and tomatoes for 10 minutes. Eggplant cut along, remove flesh, fill and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Stuffed eggplant in the oven

Eggplants baked with tomatoes and cheese - another way to tasty, simple and original diversify the classic combination. The peculiarity of this recipe is in the filling - it consists of cheese, bread crumbs and eggplant pulp. Fresh tomatoes are stewed and laid out from above, which ensures the dish is juicy even at a high baking temperature.



  1. Eggplant cut along and remove the flesh.
  2. Cut the pulp and fry with garlic.
  3. Separately, put out the tomatoes.
  4. Mix eggplant pulp with cheese, bread crumbs and eggs.
  5. Stuff with a mixture of aubergines and pour over the stewed tomatoes.
  6. Eggplants bake with tomatoes and cheese in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Eggplants with vegetables baked with sour cream sauce

Tasty eggplants in the oven will turn into a vitamin dish, if you bake them with vegetables. Eggplant will endure the company of a wide range of ingredients, so for him you can safely choose any combination. Zucchini - will give juiciness, potatoes - satiety, and tomatoes - piquancy and color. Sour cream sauce will bind the ingredients together and protect them from drying during cooking.



  1. Boil the potatoes.
  2. Cut it and the rest of the vegetables in circles.
  3. Put in a form, sprinkle with sour cream and cheese.
  4. Bake eggplants with tomatoes and cheese in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Aubergines fan baked in the oven

Even such a simple dish as eggplants with cheese in the oven, you can submit a beautiful and original. You do not need to have culinary talents to cut aubergines with thin plates, slightly unfold, grease with garlic dressing, shift tomatoes and cheese, and bake until rouge. The appetizer is equally tasty and hot and cold.



  1. Eggplant not cut to the end in the form of plates.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into rings.
  3. Lubricate each plate with mayonnaise, put tomatoes and cheese.
  4. Bake the eggplant with the cheese in the oven at 160 degrees for 30 minutes.

Eggplant baked with chicken tomatoes and cheese

Eggplants in foil in the oven - one of the most correct ways of cooking. This "protection" will preserve the natural juiciness of the vegetable and allow it to bake it whole, stuffing with tomatoes, cheese and chicken meat. With the addition of the latter, the dish will become nutritious, full and go from a light snack to a full second.



  1. Filet the fillet.
  2. Cut the eggplant along.
  3. Put slices of chicken, cheese and tomato into the cut.
  4. Bake eggplants in a foil with tomato and cheese in the oven for 30 minutes.

Eggplant with mozzarella and tomatoes in the oven

Eggplants baked with mozzarella - a light Italian dish. Aubergine circles, alternating with slices of mozzarella and tomatoes, are prepared for a short time in the oven. As a result - incredibly tasty and rich in color food, created from a minimum of products and with little effort. Snack can be served "with a heat with a heat" or chilled, as a salad.



  1. Vegetables and mozzarella cut into slices.
  2. Place in a mold and cook for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  3. Pour oil, juice and decorate with basil.

Eggplants with suluguni and tomatoes in the oven

The recipe for aubergines in the oven with cheese is considered by many cuisines of the world. The combination of eggplant with tomatoes and suluguni is traditionally for the inhabitants of Georgia. This kind of cheese is a national treasure and is often used in dishes. It is especially good at baking, forming a uniform crispy crust from the outside and remaining succulent inside.



  1. Eggplants, tomatoes and cheese cut into circles.
  2. Grind the garlic.
  3. Eggplants grease with garlic, top with tomatoes and cheese.
  4. Bake aubergines with tomatoes and suluguni cheese in the oven for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Eggplants with brynza and tomatoes in the oven

Baked eggplants with cheese do not cease to amaze with their diversity. Fans of savory snacks will be satisfied if they stuff the eggplants with tomatoes and cheese. The latter not only strengthens the taste of eggplant, but also enriches with useful substances, since calcium and fluorine content outweigh all known dairy products.



  1. Eggplant whole bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  2. Cut, crush the pulp.
  3. Combine cheese with garlic and tomatoes and stuff eggplants.
  4. Transfer to the oven for 15 minutes.

Baked zucchini and eggplant in the oven

Zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes in the oven with cheese - belong to the category of simple and affordable dishes, especially loved by the hostesses. Fast casserole relieves standing near the stove, which is the main criterion in the hot season. It is necessary only to sliced ​​vegetables beautifully to lay, pour the egg mixture and send to the oven for 20 minutes.



  1. Vegetables cut into slices and put into a mold.
  2. Whisk the egg with cheese and milk and pour the mixture of vegetables.
  3. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.