Homemade cheese recipes

Cheese-making is a very old craft, which has retained its relevance to this day. And at the present time, when buying cheese, it's hard to be sure of its quality and naturalness, this occupation is more important than ever. Therefore, if you want to try to make a real home-made cheese and do not know how to do it, we'll tell you about cooking it at home in great detail.

The recipe for cooking melted cheese from cheese

It should be immediately said that the cottage cheese should be real, so it's best to take it of course home on the market, because in stores often sell a product that does not melt in the process.



The main ingredient in this recipe is of course cottage cheese, but without soda there will be no result. Therefore, mix them and thoroughly knead it, if the curd is dry, add a few tablespoons of water, softened butter and send this mass to a water bath. It is worth saying that the mass during cooking will increase in volume, so we take the dishes with a margin.

The process of melting cottage cheese begins quite quickly, and we begin to mix it. If the cottage cheese has ceased to melt, but there are still a lot of grains left, it is probably worth adding more soda. the more cottage cheese, the more soda. But we do it in parts, gradually so as not to overdo it. If there is foam, this is a good sign, then everything goes as it should.

In the end, the mass can be broken with a blender, salt and add greens. Further we pour into the storage tanks and wait until the cheese cools down.

Cheese from homemade goat milk at home

Cheese can be made according to this recipe. no additional enzymes and devices are used here.



One liter of milk is put in the refrigerator, and it should be held there for at least 12 hours, then it appears that we need certain acidity. The second liter is left in a sufficiently warm place to make it curdled. Cold milk is poured into a saucepan and heated to almost boil. Then pour the curdled milk to it and mix it for a couple of minutes, the milk starts to curl up and curd clots pop up on top. We do not bring it to a boil and leave it under the lid for an hour. After that, filter through a colander and gauze and hang well to drain for a couple of hours. After that, add salt and any spices that like, for example, dried dill, basil, etc. and mix. Then put it in the mold and put it under the press for 4 hours. By this point, the cheese is pressed and ripe.

Hard cheese from home cottage cheese at home

For such cheese, curd is better to take a low-fat, but wet, thanks to soda, it will melt very well and become airy and viscous.



In a saucepan pour the milk and pour out the cottage cheese, stir. We put on the stove and as soon as it starts to boil the whey will separate, we make the fire minimal and cook for 5 minutes. In the meantime, we stir the eggs with salt, soda and sugar. A saucepan with a thick bottom is heated and drowned there with oil. As soon as the curd turns into sticky lumps we strain it through cheesecloth from whey, mix it with eggs and transfer it to the pan to oil, so cook constantly stirring until the mass becomes sticky and sticky like dough. Then we shift it into a container for solidification and send it to the refrigerator for a day.