How to cook ginger?

There are lots of classic dishes that without ginger lose all their meaning. We'll talk about them later. But let us begin by getting acquainted with the topic of how to prepare the root of ginger with improvisation, after all, in a fit of enthusiasm, culinary masterpieces are obtained, and in order not to spoil everything with an innocent pinch, it is necessary to know the basic rules for using ginger in dishes.

The Azi

First, 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger is equal to the concentration of 1 tablespoon of dry powdered ginger. For 1 kg of dough or meat, you need 3-5 grams of ginger. When adding ginger to pastries, spice is put on when kneading the dough. When extinguishing meat, peeled, grated or finely chopped ginger is placed 20 minutes before cooked.

When preparing the ginger sauces, add the root at the very end, and if you want to make a classic English pudding with ginger, or jelly and compote, add the spice 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Caloric value

Of course, you are primarily concerned with how to cook ginger to lose weight. Then you just need to know about its energy composition.

In 30 grams of ginger contains 20 kcal. In ginger, a lot of potassium - 117 mg, magnesium - 72 mg, copper, manganese and vitamin B.


So, how to cook ginger in the mood of impromptu, we already understood. Now let's start the most important and vital - losing weight.

Everyone knows that ginger promotes fat burning, cleanses the intestines, speeds up metabolic processes and cures for a variety of diseases. The easiest way to "absorb" all of its medicinal properties is ginger tea. There are many recipes for tea with ginger, we will present classic and proven options.

Ginger, anise and cinnamon



In the teapot we put cinnamon, anise, ginger and zest, pour boiling water, let us brew for 10 minutes and pour on the cups. We drink with honey or ginger (diet!) Cookies.


If you lose weight, it's clear to the hedgehog that you have a ban on every sweet one. However, what would you say to useful sweetness that will save from vitamin deficiency and contribute to weight loss? We will teach you how to make marmalade from ginger at home.



Ginger clean and rub. Put lemon peel and ginger in a saucepan, pour 2½ glasses of water and ½ teaspoon of soda. All this on the fire and bring to a boil. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and boil the mixture for another 5min. We remove from the fire.

Add the fruit pectin (50 g) and 1 glass of lemon juice to the pan. We wait for the pectin to dissolve and put again on a strong fire, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. We put sugar - 6½ glasses. Add sugar, cook another 1 minute, stirring constantly, remove from heat and remove foam. Fill marmalade in jars, sterilize.


The most famous ginger product, perhaps, is ginger biscuits. We will teach you how to cook ginger biscuits in a dietary way.



In a saucepan, mix honey, spices, and brown sugar, bring, stirring, to a boil. Remove from heat, stir constantly, so that the mixture is slightly cooled. Add the soda, butter (finely chopped), egg and flour.

Knead the dough.

Then roll the dough thickness of 0.5 cm and cut out the shapes of the figurines. We put it on a baking tray and bake for 15 minutes at 170 ° C.

Of course, cookies and marmalade are not products of daily consumption during a diet. However, if you decide to afford sweet, then choose wisely and taking into account the process of fat burning.