Hydradenitis - treatment

Hydradenitis , commonly called the "bony udder," is a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, which usually occurs in the armpits, since the number of these glands is maximal there. In rare cases, the disease can also affect the area of ​​inguinal folds and genitals.

Causes and symptoms of hydradenitis

The emergence of the inflammatory process is most often caused by golden staphylococcus, less often streptococcal rods. Hydradenitis never hurts young children and elderly people, since during these periods the apocrine sweat glands are inactive.

Factors that can contribute to the appearance of hydradenitis are non-observance of personal hygiene, skin trauma (in particular cuts with shaving underarms), some endocrine diseases, a general decrease in body immunity.

Most often, hydradenitis is one-sided, although possibly bilateral inflammation. At the onset of the disease (infiltration stage), small seals appear that are probed under the skin, and pain can occur with pressure. At the initial stage, hydradenitis can be susceptible to conservative methods of treatment.

Subsequently, nodules expand, thicken, begin to protrude above the skin, resembling nipples in appearance, several inflammation foci can merge into one large. Reddening of the skin begins, and the pain is felt not only with palpation, but also with the movement of the hands, and at rest. There may be an increase in body temperature and a general deterioration in the condition.

As the disease develops, the knot centers soften, and as a result, the abscesses are opened with an abundant release of pus. In the treatment of purulent hydradenitis, in addition to conservative methods, surgical methods are often used.

Treatment of hydradenitis by traditional methods

General therapy in the treatment of hydradenitis is the administration of antibiotics (most often tetracycline ) and anti-inflammatory drugs.

At the initial stage of the disease, hydraenitis is treated with conservative methods. Hair in the area of ​​inflammation is cut. The skin is regularly treated with some antiseptic:

Treatment of hydradenitis at this stage with moist compresses is contraindicated, since it can accelerate suppuration and intensify infiltration. For heating use only dry heat.

With a large area of ​​inflammation and strongly pronounced painful sensations, it is effective to cut the focus with a mixture of novocaine and antibiotic.

In the second stage of hydradenitis for treatment, use is made of dressings with Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment or other medications that stretch and accelerate the maturation of the abscess.

Surgical treatment of hydradenitis is usually resorted to in the last stage, to open the abscess.

Treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies

With hydradenitis, the cycle from the appearance of the first symptoms to the opening of the abscess can take from 8 to 14 days, and since hospitalization, with the exception of extensive and neglected cases, is not required, the treatment is usually performed at home. In this case, a significant effect has preventive measures, diet, as well as the use of some traditional medicine.

The most popular folk remedy in the case of various ulcers, not reaching the stage of maturation, is the cabbage leaf. A cleanly washed leaf of cabbage (which can be additionally scraped for enhanced isolation of juice) is applied as a compress.

In addition, compresses from the leaves of aloe and calanchoe are effective, since the juice of these plants has antiseptic properties.

As a local disinfectant, you can use an alcohol tincture of calendula.

It should be remembered that after the opening of the abscess it is necessary to exercise special care so as not to aggravate the process and prevent re-infection. Therefore, it is better to refuse unverified prescriptions at this stage, and apply a sterile bandage to the uncovered abscess with an antiseptic.