Treatment of sore throat with antibiotics in adults

Angina is a complex disease. Often because of it, a whitish coating and ulcers appear on the throat. And all this is accompanied by simply incredible pain, which does not allow to swallow, eat, nor speak normally. Many doctors for the treatment of angina in adults immediately prescribe antibiotics. Believing that only this way it will be possible to get rid of the disease. Sometimes they really help. And it also happens that even after a course of strong antibacterial drugs, the symptoms of ailment do not want to pass, but only worsen.

What is angina?

The scientific name of the disease is acute tonsillitis. It affects the tonsils. The latter stand on the protection of the body. They are the first to face pathogens and do not let them in. If the infection is too much, the tonsils become inflamed and begin to fester.

Often the disease is provoked by staphylococci or streptococci. But these bacteria are not the only danger. Very often in the diagnosis it turns out that acute tonsillitis develops on the background of a viral or fungal lesion. In such cases, the treatment of sore throats in adults can easily do without antibiotics. Moreover, the use of potent antibacterial drugs will simply be useless. They will only strike the body without giving any effect at all.

What antibiotics should I take with angina in adults?

As you already understood, taking antibiotics with acute tonsillitis is advisable only if the disease is caused by bacteria. That is why the diagnosis of the disease must be very thorough. And before prescribing antibiotics, a doctor should be sure that angina is bacterial in nature.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, in the first place for the treatment of angina in adults prescribe antibiotics penicillin series. Under one condition - the patient should not have allergies to these medicines:

  1. Amoxiclav is considered a unique drug, which is prescribed to children from three months. The medicine works quickly. Almost immediately the patient ceases to have a sore throat, the general state of health is normalized. The effect is achieved due to two basic components of the composition - directly amoxiclav and clavulonic acid.
  2. A good antibiotic, which helps with purulent sore throat in adults, is Amoxicillin . This drug is active against most strains of bacteria that attack the body. In comparison with many of its analogs, Amoxicillin has few side effects. And the antibiotic works effectively.
  3. Another well-known representative of penicillin is Flemoxin . It removes inflammation and relieves pathogens. This drug belongs to a broad spectrum of drugs. He is sometimes even prescribed during pregnancy. Very quickly excreted from the body.

Effective for the treatment of purulent sore throats in adults and other antibiotics:

How correctly to adult to drink antibiotics at an angina?

Treated antibacterial drugs should be correct:

  1. Take the medicine strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Drink antibiotics only with water.
  3. In parallel with drugs it is desirable to drink prebiotics and probiotics - medicines that normalize the microflora.
  4. Antibiotic treatment can not last less than a week or ten days. If you stop taking medications immediately after the condition improves, acute tonsillitis very quickly again reminds you.