Furuncles on the body - causes and treatment

Furuncles are painful and very unpleasant purulent lesions on the skin. As a rule, the size of furuncles varies from pea to beans, but sometimes the abscess reaches the size of a chicken egg. The reasons for the appearance of furuncles on the body and the ways of treating furunculosis are discussed below.

The causes of boils on the body

The causative agent of furunculosis is staphylococcus or streptococcus. The cause of furuncles on the body can be:

The immediate reason for the appearance of boils throughout the body is often the banal hypothermia in the cold season.

Attention! Particularly dangerous are purulent formations on the face and neck, as the infection in these cases can easily get into the brain.

Treatment of boils

The methods of treatment of boils on the body and the choice of medications depends largely on the cause of furunculosis and the degree of inflammation of the abscesses. In the case of a single purulent formation in the peripheral parts of the body, for example, on the foot, local therapy is prescribed:

With severe suppuration, surgical removal of the furuncle is indicated under local anesthesia, including drainage pumping of pus accumulation and elimination of the formation rod.

Extensive and complicated furunculosis requires the treatment of a patient in a hospital. In this case, antimicrobial therapy is used in combination with fortifying and vitamin medications. If the disease is started, it is impossible to do without antibiotics in the form of ointments and tablets.

Important! In case of an inflamed furuncle, not only the affected area, but also the adjacent skin surface should be lubricated several times a day.

Treatment of furunculosis folk remedies

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of the boil on the body, the treatment with folk remedies currently does not lose relevance. Here are a few popular and effective recipes.

Baked onions

Baked bulb is a simple and time-tested remedy for a boil. In order to use it for medicinal purposes, the onion head should be peeled off the shell, and then bake in the oven until it becomes soft. Cooled bulb should be cut in half, one of the halves to attach to the inflamed place and pribintovat. After a few hours, replace the bulb, pretreating the skin with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. The procedure is repeated until the boil has drained out.

Buckwheat with baking soda


Preparation and use

Buckwheat in the frying pan until it is golden in color. Cool the grind into a flour and mix with soda. Add water to make a dough-like mass, form a cake, apply it to the boil and fix it with a bandage. Change buckwheat is preferably twice a day.

Effective means against furuncles in the people are: