Treatment of erysipelatous foot inflammation in the home

Medical statistics claim that 15% of the total population of the Earth are carriers of the bacterium that causes the "face". However, if you do not provoke the inflammatory process on the skin with a bruise, a scratch, another kind of wound, then you can not even recognize it. But even a carrier of the disease, not every wound can cause erysipelas , when a person has reliable immunity.

Than to treat an erysipelatous inflammation on a leg or foot?

The disease is not common and if the patient does not experience a sharp rise in temperature and other aggravating symptoms (nausea, cramps, etc.), then he does not consider it necessary to go to the hospital. The main symptoms are:

Sometimes, in addition to dryness, burning and redness, watery blisters can appear on the affected area, which at best will break through and be tightened by a new layer of skin, and at worst - will cause further erosion. The effectiveness of treatment often depends on the speed of response to the disease.

Erysipelas is a case where even official medicine recognizes the efficacy of folk remedies. Therefore, the doctor is needed in order to make the correct diagnosis. After all, external manifestations are easily confused with scleroderma, thrombophlebitis, systemic lupus erythematosus. Making sure that this is a "mug", everyone has the right to decide how to treat erysipelas: medically or folk remedies. In the first case, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ointments, and physiotherapy are prescribed.

How to treat erysipelas in the home with folk remedies?

So, excluding other diseases, you can independently, without delay, to proceed to treatment. After all, an ailment can be defeated in 3-5 days.

Old folk recipes claim that the site affected by "mug", in no case can not be wetted. Perhaps, this explains why, after applying various pharmacy ointments, the foot begins to swell even more.

The most popular treatment for erysipelas in the home is chalk and red tissue. It is necessary to crush the chalk and sprinkle the inflamed place, wrapping it with a red cloth. It's that simple. Some prefer, for the sake of confidence, still to read over the leg a conspiracy of "faces." If you believe, then why not.

Conspiracy conspiracy, but it is better to sprinkle chalk more often and even in a mixture with dry grass:

This should be done up to 4 times a day. If you prepare the ointment at home, then it will be based on honey or creamy natural oil. One of the selected bases should be mixed with a powder mixture of these herbs, after which it should be applied for no more than half an hour. Remove the residue needed, but again, without flushing. You can gently blot with a napkin. Good effect gives a mashed leaves of burdock, which should be bandaged to the foot for a couple of hours, until it dries. Then repeat the procedure with the next, fresh leaf, until the heat and inflammation decreases.