Black rice "Southern Night" - good and bad

A few people know about the benefits and harms of black rice "Southern Night", although this product definitely deserves the closest attention of those who adhere to the principles of healthy eating. This domestic product, supplied from the Krasnodar Territory, is similar in its characteristics to the well-known Italian brand "Black Venus", but it is distinguished by its availability, improved taste and faster cooking.

Benefits of rice "Southern Night"

Laboratory studies showed that 100 grams of this product recorded a daily rate of folic acid , which is responsible for the health of the immune system, blood vessels and heart. This substance is necessary for future mothers, as it has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system and the immunity of an unborn baby. In addition, in black rice there are other very valuable substances:

Harm of black rice "Southern Night"

In addition to the benefits and some harm from rice, "Southern Night" can also be. Firstly, in large quantities it can cause constipation, so it must necessarily combine with vegetables, sour-milk products. Secondly, the cereal is enough calories - 285 kcal per 100 grams, so those who watch their weight, use it should be moderate.