How to force yourself to eat less?

Many girls for a long time torment themselves with tea for weight loss, "miracle pills", morning exercises, and only on their own experience making sure that this does not bring results, reconcile with the idea that you will have to make changes in your diet. However, in practice it turns out that this is quite difficult. This article will tell you how to force yourself to eat less.

Why should you eat in small portions?

Overeating and especially habitual overeating is the main enemy of harmony. If you understand that eating too large portions, we can assume that this is your main problem.

The human body is a complex mechanism. With food, you get the energy you spend on life: breathing, palpitation, the work of internal organs, movement, the thought process. If you eat abundantly, and the body spends less energy (calories) than it receives, then the process of storage starts, and calories are transferred to adipose tissue.

In order to reverse this process, you need to get calories less than you spend. In this case, the deficiency of the body will be obtained by splitting adipose tissue.

Large portions of food do not give the body time to cope with the received volume of energy, and in that case the growth of adipose tissue inevitably begins. That is why the main principle of dietary nutrition is to eat often, but in small portions. This is called "fractional food".

In fractional nutrition there is one more important plus: this approach allows us to disperse the metabolism. The fact is that when you start to eat a little, the body thinks that the hard times have come, and slows the metabolism. Because of this, the body consumes fewer calories, and you slowly lose weight. Feeding 5-6 times a day in small portions allows you to bypass this process: every time you eat, the metabolism is actively involved in the work, and this makes you effectively and constantly lose weight.

Understanding all these processes, you will find it easier to find a way to start eating less. To make the fractional power system clearer and easier, let's give an example of the correct diet of fractional nutrition:

  1. Breakfast - a dish of two eggs or porridge, tea.
  2. The second breakfast is any fruit.
  3. Lunch is a serving of soup, a small slice of bread.
  4. Snack - 20 g of cheese or half a pack of cottage cheese, tea.
  5. Dinner - fresh or baked vegetables and lean meat, fish or poultry.
  6. One hour before sleep: a glass of 1% kefir or low-fat ryazhenka, varenets.

As you can see, the diet includes 3 main meals and three snacks. Portions should be small - for example, your entire dinner should fit on a salad plate.

How to force yourself to eat less?

We offer you several methods at once, which can be used in parallel. They will allow you to more easily control the size of portions.

  1. Use small plates - on them food will seem more, and you visually will not experience discomfort.
  2. Try to eat at home, and cut each portion by one-third.
  3. In case of "extraordinary" hunger, drink a little fat-free yogurt.
  4. Do not sit at the table too hungry, eat regularly and large portions will be of no use.
  5. Imposing yourself a little food, imagine how amazing your figure will be soon.
  6. Before the meal, go to the mirror, and look at the problem areas - very well reduces the appetite !
  7. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, and of them 1 to 1.5 glasses each time before eating. This will allow a little filling of the stomach and not experiencing hunger.

Eat right, at the same time, and your body quickly refuses to overeat. Large portions are the same addiction as smoking. When you switch to food in small portions, you will notice that you have not lost anything, but you have gained a lot.