Zugzwang - what is it and how to get out of it?

It happens that professional terms find a place in everyday life. So the word zugzwang, denoting a special finding of chess on the board, is sometimes used to describe a situation where nothing can be done for oneself, but it will not work either.

Zugzwang - what is this?

The mysterious term came from the German word Zugzwang, which means "compulsion to move." In checkers or chess, he indicates the desperate conditions for the player, when any of his moves lead to a deterioration of the existing position. Moving any figure means a knowingly bad result. In a broad sense, these are circumstances in which one of the playing parties is constrained in their actions. Zugzwang is not only the location of chess. Currently, this term is applicable in everyday life in a figurative sense, and is also used in such sports and activities as:

What is zugzwang in politics?

In political life, as in chess, it is important to calculate your actions "for several moves forward." In certain circumstances, a person in power is forced by opponents to a disadvantageous act, or he puts himself in a desperate situation, then a political zugzwang emerges. It can be the result of mutual confrontation or simply incorrect calculations. A person or even a whole state in such a situation can hardly get out of it, since any subsequent move will only aggravate it.

Zugzwang in life

In modern media it is fashionable to represent everyday things like game models. Using concepts in figurative meaning, political and social life, even the relationship between people can be described as a cunning game. In this case, the "zugzwang position" will describe the crisis in various spheres:

Mutual Zugzwang

The concept of zugzwang is ambiguous and broad. In delicate situations are not only players. But if we talk about the first meaning of the word, we can distinguish several of its types. Zugzwang in chess happens:

The hardest way to get out of the situation is when both sides have losing positions. Each step of the opponent will be met by an action that has irreversible negative consequences. Neither side has the ability to make even a neutral move, only useless. But when a term is applied to a psychological situation, rather than a chess game, it is somewhat easier to find solutions, because it is necessary to be guided not only by logic, but also by feelings. Quite often psychologists consider the position of zugzwang between close people: in love, in family, in friendship.

How to get out of zugzwang in a relationship?

In relations between people, the situation of zugzwang is a state of one of the partners when it is forced to commit useless or negative actions for itself. You can exit the winner in several ways:

  1. Swap roles with a partner.
  2. Make joint decisions, consult.
  3. Add energy or turn it on the right track. That is, disconnect from its other consumers: money, work, friends. Concentrate on the partner. Do not be lazy.
  4. Get away from the routine. Drive into the familiar communication drive, creativity and passion.
  5. Approach to making decisions with humor.
  6. Have enough patience. Perhaps take a break.

Today the term zugzwang is widely used: it describes the relationship between politicians, countries, commonwealths, etc. For example, it can be said that Russia and the EU have recently been playing a complex game, which sometimes has to retreat from accepted positions and somewhat reduce the employment position. Bilateral relations are always difficult relationships, the mistakes in which lead to negative consequences.