What hormones affect weight?

Hormones are biologically active chemicals of the body, produced by the endocrine glands. Hormones have a complex multifunctional effect on the body and are regulators of various processes in the organs and tissues of a person.

Hormones that affect weight

If your body does not respond to many diets and sports, then most likely you have a hormonal failure - and overweight is the result of a lack or excess of some hormone. Which hormone is responsible for weight? This question can not be answered unambiguously. We will consider several types of hormones that somehow affect weight.

Leptin or a satiety hormone is a hormone responsible for the energy metabolism of the body. That is, leptin is a hormone that "works" to reduce or gain weight. In people who are obese, the sensitivity to this hormone is reduced.

Female hormones estrogens are regulators of the female reproductive system, but indirectly affect the excess weight. In women after 50 years, the level of estrogens decreases, which leads to a decrease in sexual desire, a slowing of metabolism and an increase in fatty deposits.

Another hormone directly responsible for weight is called ghrelin . It is believed that this hormone is complementary to leptin. Ghrelin is a hormone of hunger, the level of which increases before eating and decreases after eating.

The influence of hormones on weight is very significant, but, in no case it is not necessary to use hormonal drugs yourself, for example, to make yourself injections of hormones to reduce or increase weight to get a beautiful attractive figure. The lack or excess of any hormone can lead to very sad consequences (baldness, excessive hair loss, oncology, infertility).

Do any other hormones affect weight?

Yes, a huge role in regulating the weight of a person is played by thyroid hormones.

Thyroid hormones are produced in the thyroid gland, they are responsible for the normal metabolism, stimulate growth and development of the body. When there is insufficient level of thyroid hormones, a person feels lethargy, apathy, mental processes are reduced, braking of mental and physical activity occurs. That is, when the level of thyroid hormones decreases, the level of the basic metabolism decreases and weight gain occurs.

Another hormone that affects weight gain or weight loss is called testosterone . Testosterone is a male sex hormone, but in small quantities the hormone is also found in women. Testosterone has a positive effect on muscle growth and burning of excess fats.

Having understood, what hormones influence weight, do not hurry up to do or make conclusions, what exactly the disadvantage or excess of hormones is the reason of your excess weight. First necessarily consult with the doctor, hand over analyzes on this or that hormone, and only after this, determine whether you need to take hormonal drugs. Often, people who want to gain weight with the help of hormones are young athletes who have not studied in detail the consequences of using hormonal drugs.

Perhaps the problems with excess weight are not so deep, not at the hormonal level, as you think. Try first to change your lifestyle and diet, to exclude from the diet foods that contain a lot of sugar, to do sports. And only if your body does not respond to your favorable actions for him, consult a doctor who will help you determine which hormones that positively influence weight, you should take. Good luck!