The network denounced the "queer-family" star of the series Younger Nico Tortorella

The 28-year-old American actor Nico Tortorella, known to many as the lead actor in the TV series "Young" and the movie "Strange Thomas," was on the cover of The Advocate. In addition to a tempting photo shoot, where you can see not only Tortorella, but also his partner Beteni Meyer, readers are offered an interview in which the young actor talks about sex, relationships and love.

The cover of The Advocate

Nico and Beteni are "queer family"

Tortorella began his interview by clarifying his current position. As it turned out, his heart is now occupied by fitness instructor Beteni Meyer. Despite the seemingly traditional nature of the relationship, Nico calls their union "queer-family" and explains why:

"For many, the term" queer "is something unusual, going beyond established standards, and I fully agree with this. You think that I and Beteni - it's just a relationship between a man and a woman, no, because we are pansexuals. Meyer always told everyone that she was a lesbian, but when she met me she decided to try to build a relationship with me and everything turned out for us. Now, probably, many will condemn me, because such a relationship can be simply called bisexual and we are considered to be the ranks of these people, but in my understanding, panseksuality and bisexuality are two different things. In the first case, we talk about love for any person, regardless of gender, gender identity, and in the second, a relationship with a person with a certain gender. In addition, I want to note that in our union there is no concept of "my girlfriend" or "my boyfriend". We simply call ourselves "our family". And now about what connects us: this is love. Clean, bright, all-encompassing ... Boethin and I are flexible. This feature allows you to stay close to the person you love, without regard for his gender, religion, skin color, etc. ".
Nico Tortorella

After that, Tortorella decided to tell about what it means for him sex:

"For me, intimacy is the exchange of energy. I think it's very foolish to restrain the desire to have sex with a person, even if you do not know him. Mankind has put a certain stamp on sex. If you are in a relationship, then having sex with another person is treason, resentment, anger. All this is wrong. If you need sex, then just find the person who needs it, both physically and energetically. "
Beteni Meyer and Nico Tortorella
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Fans condemned Nico for his remarks

Due to the fact that the gloss The Advocate - the most authoritative publication aimed at the reader of a non-traditional orientation, fans of Tortorella condemned him for a photo with a woman. Here's what you could find on the Internet: "What's this nonsense? The publication for the LGBT community prints the most common pair. Niko, wake up! How did you get here? "," I really like Tortorella as an actor, but in his sexual relationships he is inconsistent. At first he called himself bisexual, and now it's pansekualom. Some kind of nonsense, "" Nico, get off the cover of The Advocate. Print in other magazines. Relations between heterosexual people are not panseksualnost, but the most common relationships, "etc.

Photoshoot for The Advocate