Why did the heroine Natalie Dormer die in the last series of "The Games of Thrones"?

British actress Natalia Dormer spoke with reporters Entertainment Weekly. Let's remind, that Natalie are perfectly given the role of strong crowned women. In the television saga "Tudors" she was instructed to embody the image of Anna Boleyn, with which the girl celebrated the "hurray."

However, Mrs. Dormer copes with less heroic roles. So, the film fans appreciated her work in the fresh horror "Forest of Ghosts".

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Journalists were asking the star why the producers decided to kill her heroine. Natalie Dormer told the following:

"I myself asked the directors to kill Queen Margery. I ventured "to embrace the immensity," and agreed to participate in several more projects. I had to ask the producers to let me go early. The way out was found - the death of my heroine. Margery Tyrell fulfilled her destiny. In Västerås a new era is coming and it was a beautiful moment for her to leave. "

It is worth noting that the 10th series of the last season took many lives, but the death of Margery was really a big surprise for the fans of the series.