How to make a confectionery bag?

Agree that there is nothing more comfortable and nicer than the house enveloped in the aromas of fresh baking. And that the baking was not only delicious, but also beautiful, in the arsenal of home cook you can not do without a confectionery bag. About how and what you can make yourself a confectionery bag, we'll talk today.

How to make a pastry bag from a package?

Confectionery bag made of polyethylene bags - this method can safely qualify for a prize in the category "Fast, Simple, Cheap". To implement it, you need a tight plastic bag (preferably with a clasp) and scissors. Fill the package with cream or dough, for convenience, placing it first in a glass, and then gently cut one of the corners. After that, we can safely deal with applying cream patterns. Of course, no special "frills" from such a confectionery bag should not wait, with its help you can draw only simple cream lines of a certain thickness. And environmentalists will surely upset the one-time use of long-lived polyethylene.

How to make a pastry bag from parchment?

No less simple, but much more environmentally friendly making a pastry bag of waxed paper or parchment. The more density the paper will have, the better, because in this case the tip of the homemade bag can be cut out figuratively. The process of bag manufacture in this case looks like this: take a rectangular sheet of paper and cut it diagonally. From the resulting triangles, we turn off the cones, paying special attention to the absence of gaps between the layers of paper - they can be stuffed with a cream. Fix the structure by wrapping the upper edges inward, and then gently trim the spout to the desired height. The lower it is cut, the less the outlet will come out and the thinner the cream line will turn out.