Grosprinosin for children

In the spring and autumn seasons, children, like adults, are most vulnerable to virus attacks. And if the immunity of an adult is formed and can withstand pathogens, the protective forces of the child's body are still at the development stage. For this reason, both for prophylaxis and for the treatment of viral diseases, doctors recommend the use of immunomodulators, which also have anti-inflammatory properties. It is under this description that graprinosine is found - a drug that has a complex effect. The components that make up graprinosin make this drug an effective preventive agent, and its use in combination with an antibiotic reduces the duration of treatment. Due to inosine-pranobex, which is the main active substance, graprinosin inhibits the formation of viral RNA in the films. In this case, the body produces endogenous interferon - a natural antivirus. Therefore, groprinosin for children is more effective.

Indications and contraindications

If we talk about children, then the use of groprinosin is associated with ARVI, measles, viral bronchitis, influenza, adenovirus infections. This drug is effective in the treatment of viral herpes, viral acute encephalitis, cytomegalovirus infection and infectious mononucleosis.

The main contraindications for groprinosin are individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug, allergies, kidney failure and urolithiasis. In all other cases, the child suffers this medicine well enough. Only at the beginning of the drug can a child feel nausea, eat badly and sometimes tear. If these symptoms persist, then it is worth asking the doctor to replace graprinosin with a drug of similar effect.

Dosage of gravenosin

As with any pharmacological drug, you need to tell your doctor how to take Grosrinosin. You must remember that because of the unexpected effect of this medication you can harm the baby's health.

Typically, the dosage of groprinosin for children is calculated according to body weight. One kg should take from 50 to 100 milligrams of groprinosin, that is, 10 kilograms - one tablet (500 milligrams). This daily dose is divided into three or four doses. Treatment with groprinosin can last from one to two to three weeks.