Boiled corn

Let's find out with you today how useful is boiled corn and how to cook it properly. So, having medicinal properties, it does not accumulate and does not retain in itself various chemical substances coming in the form of fertilizers. Its useful properties are preserved, even after cooking. The introduction of cooked corn into the diet prevents the development of cancer and inhibits the aging of tissues. Doctors recommend it to people suffering from constipation, as well as with heart and liver disease.

The recipe for boiled corn



Take the corn cobs, we release from the leaves and hairs. Then add them to a deep saucepan and pour cold water so that the liquid completely covers the cobs. Cook the corn on medium heat, cover with a lid and slightly add salt to taste. After about an hour, get 1 cob and try a grain. If it is easily removed and does not crackle on the teeth, then the corn is already ready. We take it carefully from the pan, lightly cool it, rub it with salt and serve it to a table with butter.

The recipe for boiled corn in the microwave oven



To prepare the boiled corn, the cobs are cleaned and washed. Then put them in a special dish, pour milk and throw a piece of butter. We put the saucepan in the microwave, close the door and cook at high power for about 45 minutes.

There is another way of making corn in milk. For this, the ears of corn are carefully separated from the base and cooked with the addition of a creamy oil to a soft state. After the end of cooking, we drain the remains of milk, pour the dish and serve it on the table.

Salad with sausage and boiled corn



Raw home sausage cut into small cubes and put into a bowl. We clean the onion, finely shred. Eggs boil hard boiled and rubbed on medium teurochke, or chopped slices. Then mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise and shift salad with boiled corn into a salad bowl. Before serving, decorate the dish with fresh herbs.