What do they give to a christening for a girl?

The Christening is a very unusual holiday, which is accompanied by a church sacrament, and therefore becomes surprisingly solemn and meaningful in the life of all present. In this regard, the question arises that it is customary to donate to christenings . Nowadays, many people remember about the old traditions, but increasingly they acquire something really necessary.

What do they give to a godson or a goddaughter for christenings?

If you are an ordinary visitor, then you can choose a gift of any kind, but the question of what the goddess gives to christenings is regulated by church rules. However, here are possible options:

  1. The godmothers give a consecrated cross that will be worn on the baby during the sacrament. Ideally, it should be the same cross that will pass with a person all his life. That is why many parents, in order not to force a godfather on an expensive present, themselves acquire a gold cross. However, if a cross is needed silver or wooden, it can traditionally be handed over to the spiritual parent. The only thing that is worth remembering is the need to discuss such a gift with the baby's family in advance.
  2. A traditional gift from the godparents is a rattle. It is a traditional scrap of fabric that serves as a diaper just after the ceremony.
  3. What is special about giving a christening to a girl? Dress! The boy would be given a chemise. Ideally, it should be a homespun thing, but if the crafts at the crosses of difficulty - you can buy a gift in the store.
  4. Another tradition is to give a silver spoon. This metal is of particular importance in Orthodoxy, therefore such a gift is usually stored all life.

The main thing is to focus on quality and durability. Whatever you give, a young Christian will carry it with him through life. And the veil, into which a child is wrapped, bathed in holy water, is considered to be a healing, in connection with what is necessary throughout the life of a person.

Do they give money for christenings?

As a rule, guests are interested in advance in advance of their parents, what a present for the baby is now the most relevant. Someone gets a jumpsuit, warm clothes or shoes, someone - toys, all sorts of necessary little things.

If, for example, a child's parents equip a child, it is appropriate to know whether it is better to give a gift in cash equivalent. Let this is not quite a traditional approach, but rather practical.

What do guests give to the christening girl?

Parents (or at least one of them) and the godparents must necessarily be Orthodox Christians, but at the expense of the rest of the guests the church does not make demands. That is why it often happens that close friends and relatives gather for this sacrament to share this solemn moment with them. If the parents were rather modest, and did not "order" specific gifts, it is worthwhile to offer them their options, arguing that you want to make the right choice.

So, what can you offer:

  1. All sorts of developing games. They are necessary for the child at almost any age, the main thing is to choose something that will really interest the crumbs.
  2. The book with recommendations on the education of children. Not all moms bring up kids intuitively - some try to do it "in science". A colorful guide will be an excellent gift for such a family.
  3. Children's Bible. It is often given by grandparents, so try to find out from the parents of the baby, did not someone promised them such a book as a gift.
  4. Excellent themed gifts - an incense and a personal icon of a saint. These gifts will be especially appreciated in a family that faithfully respects church laws.
  5. Clothes for the kid is one of the most practical and frequent gifts. Children grow fast, and many families will like their equipment. Suit and dress, and overalls.

In addition, parents are also given gifts : flowers for a young mother, souvenirs, sweets, albums for photographs and other trivia - for the pope.