14 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

So, you passed a third of pregnancy and successfully passed into the second trimester. As many newly mummers recall, the second trimester is the most carefree and comfortable period for the entire pregnancy. The toxicosis that exacerbated you in the early stages of pregnancy has receded , hormones have returned to normal, the general well-being and mood have improved, so you begin to fully realize your position and enthusiastically prepare for future motherhood.

Fruit at 14 weeks old

At 14 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus is about 10 cm in length and weighs about 30 g. The embryo at 14 weeks becomes more and more like a newborn. Thus, for example, the outlines of the nose, nose and cheeks are already noticeable, the chin is clearly distinguished, which no longer lays as before on the chest. The size and weight of the fetus at 14 weeks begins to increase every day, so it is at this time in the future mother finally begins to appear tummy.

The fetus, at the 14th week of pregnancy, is covered with a thin hairline, in the place of which later denser hair will grow. The eyes of the child are still tightly closed for centuries, but the eyeball is almost completely formed. In addition, you can already see the fluff on the brow and on the head. Actively traced mimicry - the baby begins to frown and grimace.

Development of the fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy occurs at a rapid pace. Almost completely formed sexual system - the boys appear prostate, and the girl's ovaries drop from the abdominal to the hip region. And although the sex differences are already significant - to determine the sex of the child at 14 weeks of pregnancy is still impossible.

The musculoskeletal system - the spine and the muscular system - continues to develop. The child at the 14th week of pregnancy is already actively moving, but such a wiggling of the fetus is not yet appreciable for the mother. The baby has grown handles that have become proportional to the size of the body, it can already clench the cam, move the lower jaw or suck a thumb.

The kidneys function fully, and the child releases urine into the amniotic fluid. In addition, the pancreas comes into operation, which begins to produce insulin, necessary for proper metabolism. Also practically formed the intestine - the digestion process begins.

Ultrasound at week 14

In order to determine exactly whether the development of the embryo corresponds to the period of pregnancy, some fetal measurements are performed on ultrasound at 14 weeks: KTP, BPR, OG, OJ, DB. In other words, the doctor measures the length of the fruit from the crown to the cob, the size of the head across and in the circumference, the length of the hips and the girth of the abdomen.

At the 14th week, the heartbeat of the fetus is clearly heard, which determines the child's activity, its development and the presence of pathologies. Regardless of the location of the fetus for 14 weeks, its heart rate should be rhythmic and vary from 140 to 160 beats per minute. Other indicators may indicate a lack of oxygen, hypohydrate or polyhydramnios in the mother, congenital heart disease or other pathologies.

The future mother for 14 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, the active growth of the baby begins, the abdomen noticeably rises, so your pregnancy becomes evident. Some doctors are advised from this time to start wearing a bandage for pregnant women , especially when this is not the first pregnancy, or you spend a lot of time on your feet. It's time to think about clothes for pregnant women, because your usual wardrobe is, most likely, not suitable. In addition, do not forget about walks in the fresh air and proper nutrition.