Pregnancy and the husband

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods in a woman's life. But first of all, you need to understand that pregnancy is a natural physiological process, which is accompanied by various changes in the woman's body. In connection with these changes, a woman can feel differently at different stages of pregnancy. Most often, both spouses experience the joy of such a news as the birth of a child, but this happens provided that the husband and wife are confident in each other, and between them there is love and understanding. And if a woman is not confident in her man, then there is a small problem.

How to inform my husband about pregnancy?

The most common problem among women who have learned about their pregnancy is how to correctly tell their husbands about their interesting situation and how to prepare a husband for pregnancy. Many women are concerned about this issue, because a man may be completely unprepared for this turn of events for various reasons. And for a woman, the support of a beloved man plays a very important role at this moment. So how to be? How to tell a man about pregnancy? There are many ways to tell your husband about pregnancy, you can present this news in the form of a surprise, you can start a serious conversation, and so on. Do as the heart tells.

The reaction of a man to pregnancy can be expressed in different ways. Do not delay the news that you are pregnant because of possible fear. Remember, if the husband finds out about your pregnancy not from you (for example, from another member of the family), this will serve as an occasion for a serious conversation or even a scandal. A man may feel deceived and question the trust in the family. You need to come up with a way to tell your husband about pregnancy. It is advisable to do this in a quiet, pleasant home environment, so that the husband who came from work does not fall into a faint on the threshold of your house battled on the spot by such stunning news.

The reaction of a man to pregnancy

Most men are happy with this wonderful news, because what can be more beautiful for a man than to become a father! But not all men are ready for this. This frightens the woman most. If the pregnancy is not planned, then a man may not just be surprised at this joyful message, but also dissatisfied with it. There are cases when learning about pregnancy, the husband throws his wife. And from this no one is immune.

Many women are afraid that during pregnancy the husband will begin to change, as the appearance of the tummy or weight gain will somehow affect the intimate relationship. These are natural thoughts of a pregnant woman, as many have heard about unpleasant situations in the lives of friends or friends that pregnancy can provoke a betrayal of her husband because of possible sexual limitations during pregnancy. There are cases when pregnancy causes problems with the husband associated with a lack of understanding of each other, but it depends in part on the relationship between husband and wife.

Prepare your husband for pregnancy

Men during pregnancy can behave differently. Prepare your husband for pregnancy, you need to carefully, so that an excessive onslaught does not discourage his enthusiasm. Of course, a loving husband during pregnancy wants to surround his beloved care and love in such a wonderful moment of their life together. But sometimes men are so capricious and irritable that it seems that they are actually pregnant. A loving husband during his wife's pregnancy can feel a high responsibility for the health of his beloved, and therefore seriously takes up various household chores, begins to lead the house and teach relatives how to behave during this particular period of family life. Intervene is not necessary, if a man, of course, does not bend a stick (for example, forcing relatives at the entrance to the house to wear gauze bandages on the face!). Worse, if the husband does not pay enough attention to his wife, believing that pregnancy is normal, and the wife is able to cope with this itself. A woman in this "interesting" position simply needs help and support, not only physically, but also psychological. Any pregnant woman wants her man too to be filled with love for the unborn baby and can share with her, all those new feelings that arise in her at this stage of life. But, nevertheless, the attitude towards pregnancy between men and women is different. After all, the woman is, above all, the keeper of the home, she is the mistress, and the man is the breadwinner, he must be able to feed his family. And the man during the pregnancy of his wife, must first of all still take care of the prosperity of the family, rather than take over half of the household chores and become a housewife. Both parties must find mutual understanding and define their responsibilities. After all, a pregnant wife can think that her husband pays her a little time, and her husband just works on wear and tear for the material support of the family with everything necessary.

Pregnancy - why does not the husband want sex?

But what if the husband behaves differently during the wife's pregnancy? Does he pretend that nothing has happened, or does he behave extremely frivolously? The behavior of a husband during pregnancy may be slightly different from the usual. In this there is nothing strange, because a man will have thoughts that before he did not attend. For example, a man immediately thinks about the fact that the past sexual life is over, sex will be limited, and even boring, because the wife will now only think about the future child, will stop watching for herself and much more. He will now have to work harder to be able to financially support his family in connection with the replenishment. Perhaps he will just need some time to understand what happened. The wife in turn will think that now she will gain weight, her tummy will grow, and she will become less interesting to her husband. The idea that the husband will not get enough sex, develop into an obsession with the possible infidelity of her husband, as a result, mutual understanding will turn into complete misunderstanding. If you keep your lover under constant pressure, then the betrayal of a husband during pregnancy can become a reality, and not just a suspicion.

Pregnancy and relationships with her husband

Stories that your girlfriend left her husband during pregnancy or the husband left for another woman, make you think about the fact that pregnancy can cause problems with her husband, that is, problems in the family. Yes, it happens. But to think that this can happen and you are stupid in your family. Why in advance yourself negatively adjust? Think only of the good and the pleasant. The attitude of the husband to the wife during pregnancy can change if to this question to not concern properly. You need to prepare a man gradually, talk to him about what will be your baby, what you can do for him, how you see him in the future. Allow yourself to fantasize a bit, imagine how a child grows up, what it becomes. Nobody forbade sex during pregnancy (except when it is really necessary), some men even have a small tummy. Therefore, if you had a good relationship and understanding, then nothing to worry about!

Sincerely wish you healthy kids and family happiness!