How to give birth to twins?

The news that many babies are growing in the abdomen, but just two, many are astonished and even shocked. Gradually, this state turns into joy from the realization that your kids will become real friendly children, who will be so fun to play together, grow and learn the world!

Of course, you and your family will get doubly - more time, more attention and more care. But very few people put these efforts above happiness from the education of two young women.

However, before talking about education, children should be born. And with this, all future mothers are associated with the greatest fears. There are many questions. - How are the twins born? Is double-planned cesarean or natural childbirth possible? At what time are twins born? How to give birth to twins without complications?

The birth of twins (twins)

We hasten to reassure - in our time, modern medicine makes it possible to bring about the birth of twins in a natural way. Today, this situation is not uncommon. The main thing is that a woman does not have special health problems, so that her pregnancy proceeds without serious complications and that during birth there are no failures.

And, nevertheless, a doctor who takes twins should carefully monitor the process of delivery. This is due to the fact that often twin genera involve some difficulties. The obstetrician-gynecologist needs to find them in time and take measures.

But even in the absence of any obvious reasons for the need to conduct cesarean with a double woman warn and prepare for the fact that during childbirth, there may be changes that entail the need to conduct surgical intervention.

Pregnancy and twin birth planning

In order for everything to be successful, and you yourself gave birth to your kids, you must first plan the course of events. That is, at 34 weeks of pregnancy a doctor who will take delivery should study an anamnesis of a pregnant woman.

The fact is that modern twins are often the result of successful infertility treatment with the help of hormonal drugs that stimulate the ovaries. Consequently, such women have reproductive health problems. And often violations that previously prevented a woman from conceiving a child affect pregnancy and childbirth.

For example, a woman during pregnancy repeatedly faces the threat of miscarriage , low weight of children, hypoxia and other troubles. And some of them can not be fixed during pregnancy. This is the reason for such a large number of cases (70%), when twins appear with the help of surgery.

How many weeks do they give birth to twins?

If everything is all right, the birth of twins begins at 36-38 weeks. At this time, the cervix is ​​opened, the fetal bladder is opened and the first baby is born. This is followed by a short pause in 5-15 minutes, after which the uterus again begins to shrink and push out the second baby. The second fetal bladder is opened and a second twin is born. At the end, two placenta and placenta come out of the uterus cavity.

The onset of twin birth at week 32 is considered premature birth. In this case, doctors make efforts to prolong normal pregnancy, because the kids are not yet quite ready to meet with the outside world.

When you need a cesarean section when you double?

The reason for the operation is premature birth of children , weak labor and weak labor activity, incorrect presentation of one of the twins, premature detachment of one of the placentas. In such cases, the doctor decides on an operation.