Habitual miscarriage - is it worth despair?

The term "habitual miscarriage" in obstetrics is usually used to designate a situation in which two or more gestations are interrupted in a row. At the same time, the violation can occur both on a short term and in 2-3 trimesters. Let's consider this pathology in more detail, we will outline the reasons.

Habitual miscarriage of pregnancy - causes

Diagnosis of this kind of doctors expose more often when the process of bearing a baby is interrupted at the same time 2 or more times in a row. When diagnosing miscarriage, the reasons for which are different, doctors conduct a full assessment of the condition of the organs of the pregnant woman. According to medical observations, this pathology arises as a result of:

  1. Chromosomal abnormalities. About 60% of all cases of interruption of the gestation period are due to this factor. Among the frequent anomalies of trisomy are 18, 22, 14, 15 chromosomes. These pathologies often cause a habitual miscarriage at week 12.
  2. Autoimmune processes. Practically in 80% of women with this diagnosis there is a development of interferon-gamma in response to fetal antigens present. It is worth noting that repeated miscarriages increase the concentration of antibodies affecting the envelopes of the embryo in the peripheral blood of the mother.
  3. Stressful situations. In such cases, the production of substances that are part of the immune response is noted. However, there is a narrowing of the blood vessels of the placenta, which nourishes the fetus.
  4. Hormonal disorders. There are many types of malfunctioning of the hormonal system that lead to disruption: increased synthesis of male sex hormones, hyperprolactinaemia, disruption of the thyroid gland.
  5. Anatomic disorders of the structure of organs. According to statistical data, abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system lead to the development of miscarriages in 12% of cases.
  6. Chronic infectious processes in the reproductive system. Among the common infectious diseases that cause interruption of gestation at any time: mycoplasmosis , chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.
  7. Effects of external factors (occupational hazards, alcohol consumption, nicotine).

Unintention of early pregnancy

A habitual miscarriage at an early stage is often recorded in young women with an unstable hormonal background. In addition, the following factors lead to the interruption of the gestation process at its very beginning:

Unintention of pregnancy on late terms

Stabilization of the state, normalization of processes at later stages, cause a rare development of anomalies in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. However, it is impossible to completely exclude such. At late gestational age, a habitual miscarriage develops, the causes of which may be the following:

Diagnosis of miscarriage

The diagnosis of "habitual miscarriage" is made by a doctor on the basis of the results of a comprehensive examination. Diagnosis of this violation includes:

Habitual miscarriage of pregnancy - treatment

When diagnosing "habitual miscarriage", treatment begins after the cause of the patient has been identified. The therapeutic process directly depends on the factor that provoked the pathology. The course of treatment is made by the doctor individually on the basis of the results of the survey. Often the process of therapy is long, consists of several stages.

So, if a woman has structural changes in the genital organ that cause a habitual miscarriage of the pregnancy that has begun, the treatment involves surgical intervention to eliminate it. With the weakness of the muscular ring in the cervical canal area, doctors impose special seams that prevent the cervix from opening, preventing premature birth. So it is possible to avoid complications, to save the fetus.

With hormonal changes, the basis for treating such a pathology as the habitual miscarriage of pregnancy is the course of antibiotic therapy. Progesterone insufficiency often provokes the development of spontaneous abortion. In the case of genetic abnormalities provoking interruption of pregnancy irrespective of the term, the only way out is IVF using a donor ejaculate or egg.

Unexplained pregnancy - a modern look at the problem

Genotyping hemostasis with habitual miscarriage is an advanced method of diagnosing the disorder, by identifying thrombophilia. With this disease, there is a predisposition to intravascular formation of blood clots. As a result, the fluidity of the blood decreases. Often the disease is hereditary. In addition to such a pathology as a habitual miscarriage, a genetic predisposition to the disease can cause: