Oily biscuit

In fact, a biscuit is a sweet porous cake, which necessarily includes wheat flour, sugar and eggs, sometimes some other ingredients that influence the texture, flavor and taste of the product are also added to the dough. There are many types and different recipes for biscuits.

Tell you how to make an oil biscuit.

From conventional classical biscuit oil, in some ways, differs by the way of preparation and composition: the recipe includes a large amount of oil. That's why the butter biscuit is more dense.

Chocolate butter biscuit - recipe



Turn on the oven 10 minutes before starting the dough. The best set temperature is up to 200 - 210 degrees.

Preparing an oil biscuit requires attention and concentration. Precisely follow the recipe and everything will turn out.

Mix cocoa with half of sugar and egg yolks, whisk by hand a whisk. At the same time, the second part of the sugar is whipped in a mixer together with the proteins to the state of stable foam.

Melt the melted butter in a water bath with milk or cream, pour brandy, add vanilla. Cool it down to about 30 degrees.

Lubricate the form for baking with butter (you can spread it with oiled baking paper).

We act quickly.

We connect in a working bowl a chocolate-yolk mixture, protein-sugar foam and cream-milk mass. Add the soda, extinguished with lemon juice and sifted flour. You can additionally briefly whip the dough with a hand mixer.

Pour the cooked dough into a baking dish. Place the form in the oven. In 10 minutes reduce the fire in such a way as to slightly lower the temperature (about 10-20 degrees). The total baking time is about 40 minutes.

In the baking process, the oven can not be opened or even opened slightly, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

To make it easier to remove the finished cake, put the form on a wet cold towel. Wait 30 minutes before removing.

If you need to bake a non- chocolate biscuit , just light it out of the cocoa recipe and add a little flour or starch.