Floor Shelves

Different shelves in the house can be located not only in the wall position, but also in the floor. The floor shelf is more practical than a wall shelf, as it can easily be moved to another location if necessary. Floor shelves are made of different configurations, designed for different rooms.

Different purpose of the floor shelves

Very popular floor shelves for books, they are often made of wood and easily fit into any style of the interior. Such floor shelves can be either wide, for large rooms, or narrow for small apartments , they are indispensable in the organization of limited space.

Floor shelves in the room, made according to the design project, can be made angular, this will help considerably more rational use of the area of ​​the room.

Floor shelves in the living room can carry a few different functions, first of all they are roomy, withstand a significant load, and they are diverse in their design execution. The floor shelf for a TV is usually made of wood and looks more thoroughly, but the shelf for flowers can be made of metal or plastic and have a more airy and elegant look.

Floor shelves for the bathroom are indispensable in a small room, often they are made angular. Such a shelf, made of Plexiglas or plastic, will not only be a piece of furniture, convenient for storing bath accessories, cosmetics, personal hygiene items and other necessary small things, but also an interior decoration. Such a floor shelf will be very convenient for the toilet.

Very rational are the floor shelves for the kitchen, they can be used for both kitchen utensils and for storing vegetables that should not be kept in the refrigerator.