Confectionery tools

No holiday in families with children can not do without a sweet table. Until recently, our mothers were preparing cakes at home, baking was rare, and there was no such choice. Today, everything has changed dramatically: if previously purchased cake caused a lot of joy, now a real holiday was home made pastries. However, with a little experience and desire, all the wisdom of a confectioner is beyond the power to overcome every mistress, and we'll get acquainted with a set of confectionery tools below.

Basic confectionery tools and accessories

It is simply impossible to list all the assistants of a professional confectioner, and all of them you will not need. As for the basic confectionery tools, it is worth buying the following:

  1. In work directly with the test, you can not do without forms for baking. There are a lot of them, demountable and cast, all kinds of shapes and sizes. There are excellent sets of units of the same shape of three to four sizes, very convenient for cooking cakes in several tiers. We will also include molds for muffins made of metal and silicone, small molds for biscuits and plungers.
  2. Separate group we will allocate every possible confectionery tools for an ornament of a cake. Of course, it's a confectionery bag with attachments, it will be replaced successfully with a syringe. If you decide to approach the matter in detail, pay attention to the type-setting scrapers that decorate the ends of cakes. There are many confectionery tools for decorating the cake, designed to work with materials such as mastic and marzipan. Silicone rolling-pin, special blades and ironing for smoothing mastic, there are even stacks and cutters for figured ruffles made of mastic.
  3. Confectionery tools and accessories for the formation of three-dimensional decorations are also singled out as a separate group. Far not everyone manages to cope with them at home, but the expanses of the Internet are full of master classes, so it makes sense to try to form a flower from the cream. There are confectionery carnations with a stand, special concave forms for the removal of petals. For such decor there are special complex tips, which with a single click form a whole flower at once.

These are the basic confectionery tools, which are easy to find in the kitchen of an ordinary housewife. This minimum will allow you to create the basic elements for decorating cakes , as well as to cook something original.