Chinese gymnastics for weight loss

Chinese culture has several millennia, so do not be afraid of not tested, dangerous exercises. Believe me, the exercises of Chinese gymnastics have been checked up to you by millions of people, and the philosophy of fulfillment has no equal in the world. An important part of Chinese curative gymnastics is breathing. Sometimes, performing complexes of breathing exercises, you will feel dizzy and nauseous, because your body is not used to such an excess of oxygen. However, it is the Chinese breathing gymnastics that is ideal for losing weight, because it eliminates the feeling of hunger. For example, the exercise "Wave"


Sit on a chair, hands on your knees are relaxed. We inhale the air, protruding the chest, the stomach falls and presses against the spine. They held their breath for a few seconds, exhaled - the chest falls, and the stomach protrudes, as if filling with air from the chest. Repeat 60 times.

An integral part of Chinese wellness gymnastics has always been exercises that mimic animal movements. This part of the Chinese gymnastics is suitable not only for weight loss, but also the recovery of the whole body, rejuvenation, return of mobility to the joints. For example, the exercise "Big Panda" struggles with fat deposits on the sides, lower back and pumps the press.

Big panda

We sit on the floor, legs bend at the knees, pull and wrap them in our hands. Begin to roll back. When the back is as close to the floor as possible, we return sharply to the starting position without releasing our legs. Repeat 6 times, then do the same to the side. We lean to the side, when the body is approaching the floor, we return to the FE. Repeat 6 times on each side.

Exercises of Chinese gymnastics at first glance may seem ridiculous and not serious, but performing them every day, you will very soon notice that you have not only lost weight, but you yourself have become something different, have grown spiritually and physically.