Effective means for weight loss

Lose weight with the help of diets and exhausting training is the destiny of the powerful of this world. And what about the rest? Almost everyone wants to lose weight? People with congenital laziness and love for fascinating reflections on how to be to achieve results, but at the same time not to lift a finger. Such "clever", alas, the majority. There is demand - there are proposals, let's see how science has just not reached, so that the process of losing weight passed without classical measures. We promise, today only the newest most effective means for weight loss, without any more fashionable tablets.

Weight Loss Drink

Coca Cola - the manufacturer of the ingenious diet coke (which for some reason alone can not cope with losing weight), invented a new effective means for losing weight - the drink of Envig (enviga). This drug is made of caffeine, calcium and green tea extract. Producers say that the drink contains fewer calories than it burns later. The process of "fat burning" is due to caffeine and green tea .

But, alas, scientific studies confirming that the green tea extract is capable of burning fat does not exist. And the only "energy" means of the drink is caffeine in an amount of 100 mg. For example, an espresso cup contains 200 mg. And caffeine does not help you train harder or move more actively. It will simply give an additional burden to the heart and the central nervous system.

A sting for fat burning

One of the most effective means for fast weight loss is adipotide. This is something like liposuction, but without surgery.

The drug disrupts the nutrition of the adipose tissue with blood vessels. That is, the fat tissue without getting food from the blood, just dies.

This method is also experienced in oncology, and as for the vessels in the adipose tissue - the method was successfully tested on monkeys.

Concerning the consequences, here one can not do without the kidneys, with which all these "dead" tissues are inferred: dehydration, necrosis, filtration failure. However, this is not the worst thing. In the 50's there was a similar drug that "saved" future mothers from nausea. As a result, 10 000 crippled children with underdeveloped limbs were born and the drug was banned.

Modern gadgets

In search of some effective means for losing weight, they thought of sewing a little electric stimulator slightly below the thorax, which at times gives an easy discharge, which creates a feeling of satiety in the stomach. The invention weighs only 48 g.

Folk remedies

Overweight is not a new phenomenon, although the epidemic has been relatively recent. Well, folk medicine has its own recipes for weight loss through the ages. Effective folk remedies for weight loss, although they act more imperceptibly and slowly, but still do not have such acute consequences.

For example, milk thistle. This plant to adjust the hormonal background, raise immunity and normalizes the excretion of toxins and toxins from the body. Apply seeds of thistle:

Or everyone knows flax. You can lose weight with the help of seeds of flax, butter, and also various broths.

Seeds of flax should be poured overnight with boiling water and over the next day, take 1 tbsp. swollen seeds half an hour before meals.

What people will not come up with to remove the most proven way to lose weight - sports and a balanced diet. Whatever you take, what did not prick and what they drank, excess weight does not just spoil your appearance, but also disrupts metabolism. And the necrosis of the vessels, the "burning" of fat on caffeine and so on, all this does not lead to harmful changes in your metabolism.