The Tabata system

Competition for gyms today can make far from a new and promising system of Tabata. The main method of Tabata is that in about 10 minutes of a specially designed intensive training program you can throw off much more fat than for a long training with iron.

The inventor of this method in 1996 was the Japanese doctor Izumi Tabata and the researchers of the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo. In the course of the study, it became clear that Tabat's protocol does more to hanging aerobic capacity than an hour's training, for example, on endurance. And the usual classes on step-platforms can also give way in comparison with the Japanese gymnastics. And it's easier to lose weight in the Tabata system because the burning of fats after each such training lasts several hours.

Technique of tobacco

The method of training is that it is necessary to do 8 sets of one exercise, and the speed of execution must be as intense as possible. Breaks should last no more than 10 seconds, the approaches themselves are not less than 20 seconds. During the execution of each of the exercises must be laid out "to the fullest." This determines the degree of burning of fats after training on the system of Tabata. Also, the Japanese doctor proved that even four minutes of the training system influences the figure much better than the hour-long workouts at the fitness center.

The Tabata Protocol for Women

For women, this type of training is excellent - the exercises are not lengthy, but the effect is maximum. But not all women can go to the gymnastics of Tabata simply because there is a very high fatigue in the body. And in the event that you are physically weak and not ready for these kinds of training, it is better to do less active sports.

The Tabata protocol for losing weight requires the right choice of exercises. It is also necessary to take into account other factors:

All exercises must be chosen strictly individually and must take into account the above positions. The system of slimming tobacco does not use all the exercises that you can perform, say, in aerobics or other strength training. More acceptable for the Tabata protocol can be pull-ups and push-ups, and you can also use some exercises with a barbell, although for women you can only leave the neck or replace it with a body-lamp. For variety, you can pay attention to various kinds of exercises on the press. Below is the optimal set of exercises for the Tabata protocol:

Doing Tabata for losing weight can be at home, most of the fair sex have long studied the art of Tabat on video courses from the Internet or TV programs (one of the options for a four-minute workout, you can see right here). And to reduce weight on the system of Tabata constantly, it is necessary to engage strictly on schedule. For example, a day every other day, or two every other day.

Before training, be sure to do a little workout to bring the muscles into tonus. And if you have never studied the system of Tabata, you should first consult with a cardiologist, because the system has one, but rather weighty contraindication - for patients with heart failure to engage in this type of training is strictly prohibited.